2019.11.01 General Meeting Agenda
Former user (Deleted)
Tomaz Sedej
Welcome and Opening Statements
- A reminder to all HC-SIG members that this meeting is being recorded
- Videoconferencing/teleconferencing connect details are available here
- Videoconferencing/teleconferencing connect details are available here
In attendance:
- Former user (Deleted) (recording)
- Michael Marchant
- Abhijit Ghosh
- Adrian Gropper
- Alicia
- Jim Mason
- Ben Taylor
- Erika Beerbower, PharmD (Deactivated)
- Prasanth S.
- Satarupa
- SN
- kamlesh nagware
- Steve Wishstar
- Various telecon numbers...
If you’re new to the group, please…
Introduce yourself
Tell us where you're geographically located
Share with us your interests in healthcare in general, and blockchain technologies in specific
- Consider posting your contact information in our HC-SIG Membership Directory
- Questions? Review our HC-SIG FAQ for answers
Community Announcements
- Hyperledger Global Forum 2020
- Join us at this annual event, happening March 3 - 6, 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Do you have any announcements that you'd like to share with the HC-SIG community?
- Feel free to make an announcement here, on our Rocket.Chat channel, or via our email listserv
Guest Presentation
Michael Marchant, Director of HIE and System Integration for UC Davis Health, will discuss with HC-SIG membership the current state of health information exchange (HIE) standards and networks: to see what works well, what needs improvement, and through the presentation of several healthcare use cases, how blockchain technologies may serve as a viable solution.
- Presentation slides are available here (PDF)
Next Meeting
Scheduled for Friday, 2019.11.15, 0700 Pacific Time
Discussion: topics to add to agenda?
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