2019.08.23 General Meeting Agenda
Former user (Deleted)
Tomaz Sedej
Welcome and Opening Statements
A reminder to all HC-SIG members that this meeting is being recorded
Discussion: request for note-taking for this meeting
In attendance:
- Rich Bloch (recording)
- Ankit Jain
- Anthony Do
- ben taylor
- Deniz Coskun
- Erika
- jiahao
- Kenneth Jensen
- Siva A
- Steven Elliott
- Wendy Charles
If you’re new to the group, please…
Introduce yourself
Tell us where you're geographically located
Share with us your interests in healthcare in general, and blockchain technologies in specific
- Consider posting your contact information in our HC-SIG Membership Directory
Welcome to Ankit Jain from Mokxa Technologies
Community Announcements
- Blockchain Health Summit, happening October 15-17 in New York, USA (New York City)
- Anyone from membership planning to attend?
- Global Blockchain Summit, happening in Westminster, CO on OCT 03/04
- Wendy Charles, HC-SIG Vice-Chair, will be speaking at this conference event
- Summit not just healthcare related
- Wendy speaking on two panel discussions (regulatory and future of healthcare)
- About 75-100 persons in attendance
- Not formally associated with the Global Blockchain Alliance (GBA)
- Converge2Xcelerate Conference, happening in Boston, MA on OCT 15
- Tory Cenaj, conference coordinator, will be presenting at an upcoming HC-SIG guest speaker
Wendy Charles will be speaking on a panel discussion at this conference event (whether blockchain is ready for healthcare)
- Do you have any announcements that you'd like to share with the HC-SIG community?
- Feel free to make an announcement here, on our Rocket.Chat channel, or via our email listserv
- Wendy Charles mentioned that Heather Flannery of ConsenSys Health mentioned some new information related to collaboration between ConsenSys and Hyperledger. Details of that post are available here.
HC-SIG Subgroup Updates
Patient/Member Subgroup (Deniz Coskun, Lead)
We met in the last two weeks outside of the subgroup meetings, and continued with the use case definition.
Decision to fix the scope :
- The use case will be on "Clinical Trials for a Diabetes Treatment with Wearables"
- Patient Consent Process is the focus, for Site Selection, Patient Recruitment and Study Monitoring Processes
- BRIDG Model reference for the Clinical Trials Data Model https://bridgmodel.nci.nih.gov/about-bridg
- Smart on FHIR https://docs.smarthealthit.org/ as Data Standard for the Data Transfer between EHR2EDC
- Separate Data Consolidation and Process Execution on Blockchain
Robert Learney and Alex Zhovnuvaty joined to team. Welcome!
I contacted to company https://www.clinicalpipe.com/
Open points:
- Patient Data GitHub for the Project is requested
- Health Monitoring Process has many similarities Clinical Trials.
- When is consent required more than once? For example: When a new PaaS AI supplier accesses the data? When during monitoring something new/different is monitored in the patient such as moods using a mood-tracking App? ( See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5676196/ )
How can we design the Hyperledger Consent API to be universally used in all cases? Standardization?
API Structure is to be defined
Clinical trials use AI monitoring engine linked to a drug treatment plan?
What is the particular Treatment in Diabetes?
Which Framework is the best in Hyperledger? Fabric or Sawtooth? Criteria for the selection?
The data flow between Data and Process Layer
Payer Subgroup (Raveesh Dewan, Lead)
- Ankit provided an update on the work being done through the Payer Subgroup, including:
- A successful Meetup event that happened on July 18, with 18-20 persons attending
- Ongoing work on the subgroup whitepaper
- Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup (Steven Elliott, Lead)
- Kickoff meeting tentatively scheduled for SEP 04, 8:00 AM Pacific
- Details and mission of this subgroup can be viewed here
- Interested in participating? Contact Steven over on our Rocket.Chat channel
- Steven updated the group on his plans to kick off the HIS, happening on SEP 04
HC-SIG Ad Hoc Team Updates
Wiki Redesign Team (Raveesh Dewan, Lead)
Work continues on our SIG site design
- Discussion: are you a Confluence expert... interested in joining this team?
Academic Research Team (Logan Wilding, Wendy Charles, Nisarg Amin, and Adrian Berg, Lead)
HC-SIG Use Case Development Team (Wendy Charles, Lead)
- Wendy provided an update on her team's work, planning to attend a meeting with community leadership to talk through the availability templates to be used for work related to use case development
Old Business
- Healthcare Funding Opportunities
New Business
Open Discussions (Rich)
Discussion: your thoughts on changes you'd like to see with the HC-SIG?
Next Meeting
Scheduled for Friday, 2019.09.06, 0700 Pacific Time
Discussion: topics to add to agenda?
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