2021-09-17 DCI WG Agenda & Meeting Notes







  • Recalibrate and brainstorm solutions to improve WG operations 

Discussion items

10minDCI-Lint GitHub Action is Live

Next Steps

DCI WG future goals and work structureLindsay & Daniela
  • Lindsay opened up a group discussion encouraging everyone to look back on how things have progressed with the DCI WG overtime, and openly discuss the wins and challenges we've faced as a group along the way as well as possible solutions. 
    • Highlights - DCI Lint and other community contributions on Inclusive Naming initiatives,...(Please Add)
    • Lowlights - Little to no progress on Strategic Priorities, meeting conflicts with the Giving Chain, ...(Please Add) 
    • Key Takeaways:
      • With more of a focus on breaking down silos and a clear call to action for everyone (inside and outside of our community) to share in the responsibility of creating a more diverse and inclusive community a different structure may be helpful to course correct 
      • Open ended initiatives have been hard to move forward in a measurable way 
      • All in attendance felt positively about a shift from a Working Group to a Task Force under the TSC as a possible solution  

Next Steps 

  • Lindsay Nuon - Send updates and proposed changes to DCI mailing list and solicit feedback from the broader community 
  • All - Add program updates to the Wiki to get a current status on where things stand 
  • All - Over the next couple of meetings the group will review and curate everything to determine where clear and actionable projects exist 

Action items
