Neferti Kickstart
Neferti Kickstart
neferti plans a low-code and highly secure implementation to issue and trade NFTs, in a protocol agnostic way. neferti code will address market place utilities for issuance and trading of NFTs.
Agenda (add as needed):
- Get to know each other (answer each of these questions if you can)
- Why do you want to volunteer?
- Individual volunteers should accept invitations to join hyperledger-labs
- Ways of working in github
- Commits with Signoffs (DCO)
- Maintainers
- Members
- Other Contributors
- What is the vision for neferti?
- General philosophy drivers Moxie Marlinspike, Vitalik Buterin and O'Reilly, Wrapped Tokens
- Existing code in fabric ERC-721, ERC-1155 and newer standards. Matias Damian Salimbene has started the Fabric 721 porting to go
- Smart Contract Generators using a framework: Generators
- Identity solutions (Aries, Indy)
- Storage solutions (storj, ipfs, private data collections etc.)
- Integrating with payments (tokens etc.)
- Standards
- Decentralize infrastructure (middleware and contact points)
- UX / UI - wallets
- What can we reuse
- Testnet or sandboxes incorporating protocols and middleware.
- Interoperability using HL solutions
- Security- more than just cryptography
- Github wayfinders- and setup
- Readme.md
- Contributors.md
- Maintainers.md
- Issues
- Folders for docs, design and source with templates
Meeting Minutes
- Most people came in because of their interest in NFTs
- Matias Damian Salimbene is working on a NFT project- got introduced to Hyperledger through the Architect who is a contributor. He has a port of 721 to go almost ready to go
- Bobbi MuscaraĀ TSC member and chair of Learning Materials WG, can help with documentation, spread the word etc. has worked with the Giving chain a successful NFT PoC. Suggested a Working Group, also looking for ways for people to contribute without github license...
- kamlesh nagwareĀ - CTO-Snappertech- Also experienced in Fabric and working on Fabric. and on NFTs Had cited
- Sandy Aggarwal looking at NFTs from the gaming angle - Adding to schema for gaming assets, how do we expand the standard/data parameters to account for the following.
Mini steps to foster higher degree of trust in NFT trading and interoperability.
- How to prevent wash trading (https://blockworks.co/wash-trading-which-inflates-nft-prices-growing-area-of-concern-for-traders/)
- How to allow more contextual data while creating NFTs while keeping the size manageableĀ
- Current standards already allow small data to be included as part of contract
- Perhaps, maintain large contextual data on distributed storage
- What if the asset is not fixed state and can age (a house, painting - anything non-digital)
- Niku Singh student and interested in front-end...
- rajesh rln - based in Singapore in Accenture? Interested in open source, and was the main driver behind scheduling the kickstart.
- Vipin Bharathan
- Andrea Frosinini from TradeFi and brought up Finance NFTs (Bill of Lading, Invoice Factoring)
Meeting Recording
we missed most of the initial interactions in the recording. Please look at the minutes for the initial remarks.
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