
Statement of Digital Assets: Sam Leichman, Blockchain Lead Propeller Industries & Ken Fromm, MD BuildETH




This is a very timely presentation as it bridges GAAP and digital assets on balance sheets. As the year draws to a close, the balance sheet a very important consideration for enterprises who hold difficult to value digital assets.

The Statement of Digital Assets (SODA) is a standardized reporting approach that clarifies an organization’s digital asset holdings, providing a bridge between Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) based balance sheet reporting and the value represented on-chain. GAAP is the US accounting standard for financial reporting. This is in contrast with IFRS which is used by the Rest of the World.  Please read the draft SODA whitepaper and attend the meeting to interact with Sam and Ken.

Date 15th November 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:00 am EDT



Meeting ID: 622 333 6701
Passcode: 475869


Statement Of Digital Assets A pdf version



Vipin Bharathan dlt.nyc

Manivannan Pillai otc.Digital

Criss Didier  

mikeychuang@gmail.com Michael Chuang University of Illinois

Chat & Questions:

Differences in slides where declared value > market value

11:04:02     From  Ken Fromm : Bitwave DeFi Accounting Subledgers   https://www.bitwave.io/ https://twitter.com/bitwaveplatform
Cryptio DeFi Accounting Subledgers   https://cryptio.co/ https://twitter.com/cryptio_co
Integral DeFi Accounting Subledgers   https://www.integral.xyz/ https://twitter.com/integral_xyz_
Tres DeFi Accounting Subledgers   https://www.tres.finance/ https://twitter.com/tresdotfinance?lang=en
TAXbit DeFi Accounting Subledgers   https://taxbit.com/ https://twitter.com/taxbit
CoinBooks DeFi Accounting Subledgers   https://www.coinbooks.finance/ https://twitter.com/crunchbase
Ledgible.io DeFi Accounting Subledgers   https://ledgible.io/ https://twitter.com/Ledgiblecrypto
11:04:32     From  Ken Fromm : Propeller Industries DeFi Accounting Services   https://www.propellerindustries.com/ https://twitter.com/propellerind
11:04:57     From  SamuelLeichman : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XuntSv8eQldpKrONi2bAtyMqEWLz1PenvKy3eLil6fo/edit#slide=id.g27f75ea1053_0_89


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