

Where: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.backup?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09

When: April 21 st, 10:00 am EDT(14:00 UTC)

Discuss: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CMSIG/2021-04-21 (this page)

Attendees (18)

Vipin Bharathan

@Saket Sinha

Daniela Barbosa

Kirthi K

Anurag Dashputre

Osaro Qualis

Imre Kocsis

Karen Ottoni

Turan Munday

Alfonso Govela

Main Event

CBDCs, Promise & Risk, Operationalizing CBDCs   by Saket Sinha Global VP FSS, IBM

The Hyperledger Capital Markets SIG announces a talk by Saket Sinha Global VP FSS, IBM on "CBDCs Promise and Risk : Operationalizing CBDCs". April 21st 10 am EDT (see below for details). The call is completely open to all interested parties.
Saket leads the global practice on CBDCs in IBM with its broad reach and global capabilities. No doubt IBM is talking to many enterprises and governments about implementing and deploying CBDCs at scale. He will share insights on the implementation challenges and promises as heard from Central Bankers, Technologists and Enterprise leaders on this call.

FSS is also agnostic regarding the framework and is executing on the IBM vision being shaped by the CEO Arvind Krishna focusing on Hybrid Cloud and value added service delivery, going much beyond IBM proprietary services.



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