2019-07-31 Meeting notes
2019-07-31 Meeting notes
- Anti Trust Policy & Code of Conduct
- Introductions
- Volunteer to scribe and record.
- Volunteer for the vice-chair
- Status and plans from the project leads or interested members for existing projects
- Present the launch blog Vipin Bharathan
- Outline plans for topic groups/projects Manivannan Pillai, stanislav.liberman, kellycooper.2ds, Vipin Bharathan- Kirthi Kon the groups he is interested in
- New groups
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
2 min | SIG governance | Vipin Bharathan | |
3 min | Anti Trust Policy & Code of conduct | Vipin Bharathan | |
10 min | Introductions | All | |
5 min | Poll and other administrivia | Vipin Bharathan | |
2 min | Meeting times | Vipin Bharathan | Poll |
1 min | Volunteers for vice chair+scribe | All | Natalia Garcia volunteered |
30 min | Topics/Projects-existing & new | Topic Leaders | See below: |
Rest | AOB- any business raised by members |
- Reduced attendance due to summer doldrums and hyperledger members meeting in Tokyo
- Natalia Garcia volunteered as vice chair
- Introductions:
- Natalia Garcia is expert in bonds from the front office, mainly origination of corporate debt and financial institution debt. Also interested in settlement mechanisms and custody
- Bobbi-learning materials working group- also announced Drummond Reed speaking about Identity this Friday
- Mani- Founder of Swapshub, many years working with swaps & other derivatives (FpML etc.), Swapshub is also member of ISDA and working on extending work to Hard Wallets, digital custody, Data Standards
- Stan - CME group, research and construction of solutions.
- Murali- Fabric maintainer, heavily involved in solution for custody, already well versed in technology, looking to expand into business and CM expertise.
- Vipin - dlt.nyc chair of ID Working Group and now interim chair of CMSIG (did not state during call)
- Project review
- Vipin presented taxonomy of types of securities drawn using gliffy. Challenges of the tool (including inserting links and popups)
- As first cut it seems very good (Bobbi Muscara )
- Second aspect of taxonomy is lifecycle, an example through the use of a diagram from a Oliver Wyman & Euroclear document was presented, seen in the Taxonomy website, Natalia Garciagonzalezreminded us that the origination part was missing. Another aspect was the fact of multiple ledgers, we got into a debate about virtual ledgers versus multiple networks for different products and hence interoperability. Instead of following standards there, companies may be developing their own standards (like clearmatics for stablecoin approaches)- Manivannan Pillai.
- stanislav.liberman said that use cases could also have a taxonomy and he will start on something soon.
Action items
- Vipin Bharathan will play around with gliffy to introduce links and or popups to give more details on the securities., before the next meeting
- stanislav.libermanwill expand the use cases
- Manivannan Pillai expand on standards projects
, multiple selections available,