Fabric ERC tokens for assets data trading

Fabric ERC tokens for assets data trading

Project TitleFabric ERC tokens for assets data trading


Primary Focus



Current project aims at the development of an integrated data trading workflow that spans across different stakeholder roles and enables the applicability of configurable trading on permissioned Fabric networks adopting the dedicated ERC token standards.

Assets' data trading across blockchain networks contributes to the deployment and maintenance of financial data handling mechanisms, such as data pricing and monetization schemes, established in decentralized permissioned networks. In this context, different asset stakeholders are able to trade data assets or their metadata in order to back such financial schemes, while allowing the development of an interconnected economy that secures handling of financial data along with decentralized data ownership and trading.

The main objective of the project is to explore the suitability and applicability of Hyperledger Fabric ERC token standards on an integrated data trading workflow backing data pricing and monetization of data assets information. The project development will deploy the necessary components and integration modules in order to address key features for the data trading workflow of assets belonging to dissimilar stakeholders. Each stakeholder will be able to permit their assets joining the developed ecosystem while being continuously informed for the assets activity.

Additional Information

Current work on permissioned networks for financial data handling:

  • Kapsoulis, N.; Psychas, A.; Palaiokrassas, G.; Marinakis, A.; Litke, A.; Varvarigou, T. Know Your Customer (KYC) Implementation with Smart Contracts on a Privacy-Oriented Decentralized Architecture. Future Internet 2020, 12, 41. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi12020041

  • Kapsoulis, N., Litke, A., Soldatos, J. (2022). Efficient and Accelerated KYC Using Blockchain Technologies. In: Soldatos, J., Kyriazis, D. (eds) Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94590-9_7

  • Miltiadou, D. et al. (2022). Leveraging Management of Customers’ Consent Exploiting the Benefits of Blockchain Technology Towards Secure Data Sharing. In: Soldatos, J., Kyriazis, D. (eds) Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94590-9_8

Learning Objectives

During the course of the Mentorship, the selected Mentee will accomplish the following:

  1. Learn how to adhere to open source principles and work closely with the Hyperledger community
  2. Learn how to analyze and apply research insights to requirements needed for data monetization
  3. Gain experience on how to engineer software solutions for specific challenges and issues pertaining to the wider Hyperledger modularity
  4. Deploy and maintain Fabric chaincodes that describe trading logic
  5. Research and development experience with optimal guidelines 
  6. Syntax of project documentation for results dissemination in the community

Expected Outcome

Expected produced outcomes of the project include the following:

  1. Maintain Hyperledger Fabric chaincodes for dedicated trading operations supporting pricing and monetization of assets data
  2. Deploy assets ownership across participant network stakeholders
  3. Facilitate ERC tokenization for trading on assets metadata
  4. Maintain user interfaces for an interactive ecosystem 
  5. Integrate the required modules for the holistic workflow on data trading
  6. Produce guidelines and documentation on how to use, develop and build on the output scheme

Relation to Hyperledger 


Mentee Skills

Master's or Ph.D. levels preferred. Research-experienced undergraduates could be eligible.


  • Strong in communication and teamwork
  • Eager to learn and contribute on new blockchain concepts and solutions
  • Highly familiar with Hyperledger Fabric Key Concepts
  • Experienced in deploying chaincodes on Hyperledger Fabric networks


  • Experienced in research and development 
  • ERC20, 721, 1155

Future plans

The project delivery aims to contribute in financial data workflows and regulations through its development procedures. The configurable data trading scheme targets to provide the necessary workflow guidelines for assets data trading in permissioned ecosystems with data pricing and monetization enabled.

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Nikos Kapsoulis
E-mail:  nkapsoulis@innov-acts.com 
Discord:  Nikos#8629

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