Integrate new BFT protocol (BDLS consensus) with Fabric

Integrate new BFT protocol (BDLS consensus) with Fabric

Project TitleIntegrate new BFT protocol (BDLS consensus) with Fabric 


Primary Focus



BDLS consensus protocol is a BFT protocol that has been approved and hosted in the Hyperledger Lab to be integrated into Hyperledger Fabric for consideration as one of the ordering service BFT protocols. BDLS is an innovative BFT consensus algorithm that features safety and liveness by presenting a mathematically proven secure BFT protocol that is resilient in open networks such as the Internet. BDLS overcomes many problems, such as DoS attacks and the deadlock problem caused by unreliable p2p broadcast channels. These problems are all very relevant to existing realistic open network scenarios and are the focus of extensive work in improving Internet security. Still, it is an area largely ignored by most in mainstream BFT protocol design. 

Additional Information

(Paper: https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1460.pdf)

BDLS-FLOWCHART.pdf https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/bdls/blob/main/docs/BDLS-FLOWCHART.pdf

Learning Objectives

Consensus algorithm mechanism, Distributed messaging system, ability to integrate new consensus algorithm in the Orderer service of Fabric 

Expected Outcome

BDLS consensus protocol is a BFT protocol that has been submitted for consideration to be integrated into Hyperledger Fabric as an ordering service.

Relation to Hyperledger 

Fabric core, https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/bdls

Mentee Skills

Go,  (Raft is a plus)

Mentee Open Source Contribution Experience

Future plans

support and maintain the new BFT protocol in Fabric core, ability to use the BDLS in other platforms

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Ahmed Al Salih, a.alsalih2@gmail.com, Discord: ahmedalsalih#6158

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