Bi-weekly AWG
Discussed Russia and different business requirements in cryptography driving the development of Iroha.
Cambodia digitalized currency and payment transfers
Digitalized RMB currency and 'off-book' payment transfers between China and Russia (see Beyonce).
Sawtooth not permitted in Russia because SGX cryptography cc Mic Bowman
India is adopting version 2 of both Fabric and Quorum. e.g. Hyderabad dev team has 30 devs. 8-9 on Fabric, 8-9 on Quorum. 12 or so are shared between F & Q.
Fabric version 2 decouples chain code from the node. This decoupling allows for developers to write custom client/node code in k8s containers for virtual or physical assets with customer-specific business logic (v2 is much different than Fabric 1.4).
Discussed version 2 permissioned blockchain projects as a conceptual basis for next-gen business control systems. To supersede federated but siloed ERP built on RDMS.
Alexander Zhovnuvaty encourages AWG to invite version 2.0 speakers and develop a horizontal/vertical interoperability reference document for HL projects. E.g Fabric to Fabric. v1.4 to v1.4, v2.0 to v2.0 and v1.4 to v2.0 etc. This looks like a higher level 'caniuse' e.g. (https://caniuse.com/#search=pwa) .
HL Cactus has business plugins to address blockchain interop.
Clive BoultonInicate draft paper version 2 architecture discussion for next-gen ERP
Ram Jagadeesan please invite speakers of version 2 projects and platforms.