

  • Ram Jagadeesan
  • Hart Montgomery
  • Mic Bowman
  • Alex Yakovlev
  • Todd Little


  • Accenture proposing interoperability Hyperledger lab project. Fujitsu also proposing interop lab. Talks on to merge.
  • Accenture has nice decentralized solution for transfer between permissioned blockchain - can connect Fabric, Corda and Quorum
  • Fujitsu has a nice somewhat centralized solutions, and can interop with crypto-currencies - Fabric, Etheruem and BtC
  • This lab project could be outlet for the interop work
  • Going to have public meetings for the lab - US, Japan, France.
  • Soramitsu interop with BtC: https://github.com/soramitsu/iroha-counterparty/wiki/Two-way-peg-tutorial
  • Interop now means - able to do transfer of assets.
  • Fujitsu - somewhat similar to Cosmos. Cosmos has a separate asset-chain with token - which is undesirable.
  • Need to establish identities between two chains - this is pre-condition - for DvP between BtC and Fabric, need Id and keys on both chains.
  • Source code will be released very soon - going through internal approval processes
  • Both Accenture have this code working in production -
  • Completely different from Quilt - it is a focused on ILP for payment transfer - this will be generic transactions - similar to distributed DB
  • Fujitsu research group work with some development muscle behind it
  • How do you handle probabilistic finality? - policy is set on release from escrow
  • Telegram team with Blockchain has money and interest now - but need to move fast
  • Sept 20th for F2F for Interop workshop - Oracle or Cisco.
  • WG work best when narrowly focused - small problems really well - focused on  a domain not an a problem - Two roles - 1) informational - have high level discussion - clearly articulating problems 2) Solving  Problems needs more focused - needs to be someones day  job. Projects didn't ack the papers. Prescriptive vs  Descriptive.