2024-01-30 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting
2024-01-30 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting
Planned Topics:
- Bifold to OWF
Community Meeting Policies
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
Welcome and Introductions
Take the opportunity to introduce yourself or organization. Let the community know what interest you have in the Bifold effort.
Record your attendance for posterity, and allow others may contact you if needed.
- Name (Organization) <email>
- Jason Leach (Fullboar Creative / Government of BC) <jason.leach@fullboar.ca>
- Mostafa Youssef (Ontario Gov) <mostafa.youssef@ontario.ca>
- Clecio Varjao (Government of BC) <clecio.varjao@gov.bc.ca>
- Tracy Kuhrt (Deactivated) (Accenture / TOC Chair)
- Akiff Manji (Government of BC / Petri Dish Development) <amanji@petridish.dev>
- Thiago Romano (CPQD)
- Jean-Christophe.Drouin (Government of QC) <jean-christophe.drouin@mcn.gouv.qc.ca>
- Tim Bloomfield (OPS) <tim.bloomfield@ontario.ca>
Confluence was not working at the time of the meeting so Attendees were not able to register themselves.
- App attestation doing well, probably alpha in the next sprint;
- Mediator push notifications in testing at the moment. Works well.
OpenWallet Foundation
- Motion to move the Aries BIfold project from the Hyperledger Foundation to the OpenWallet Foundation.
- Second by: Clecio Varjao
- Unanimous vote of 6 to 0 to pass the motion.
- Jason to put together a proposal for the OWF TAC for the Feb 7 meeting and present the case for accepting the project.
Bifold Updates
Move from Hyperledger to OpenWallet Foundation
Next Meeting
- Clecio to preset the new dependency injection / service discovery mechanics.
Future Topics
New Action Items
- Update OCA package documentation to discuss usage, card layout (1.0, 1.1), etc.
Recording / Slides
, multiple selections available,