2024-01-16 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting

2024-01-16 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting


Planned Topics:

  • Bifold to OWF

Community Meeting Policies

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community for all. For more information

please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.

Welcome and Introductions

Take the opportunity to introduce yourself or organization. Let the community know what interest you have in the Bifold effort.


Record your attendance for posterity, and allow others may contact you if needed.

Confluence was not working at the time of the meeting so Attendees were not able to register themselves.


  • TBD


Bifold Updates

Move from Hyperledger to OpenWallet Foundation

Summary of why Aries Bifold might consider moving from the Hyperledger Foundation to the OpenWallet Foundation (OWF):

  1. Simplifying Project Name: Opportunity to change to a simpler, more straightforward name to enhance clarity and appeal.
  2. Alignment with Aries Framework for Java (AFJ): Ensuring compatibility or alignment with AFJ standards and practices.
  3. Enhancing Project Value: The addition of a production-ready wallet to OWF will enrich its offerings.
  4. Expanding Community Engagement:
       - Hosting a webinar published by OWF to boost visibility.
       - Aiming to attract new members and gather more feedback from the community.


  1. Impact on Project Infrastructure: Considering how the move will affect mechanical aspects like Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), NPM packaging, and repository naming.
  2. Support from Staff Member Ry: Ry is assisting both OWF and Hyperledger in onboarding projects, facilitating smoother transitions.


  1. Community Consultation at Bifold Meeting:
    Soliciting community feedback.
    Submitting a proposal to OWF's "How to Become a Project" process, aiming for recognition as a growth project.
    Possibly presenting to the technical oversight committee, including individuals like Tracy Khurt.
    Deciding on a new repository name, with "Bifold" as a suggested option, subject to community input.


- Come in as "growth" prject
- TAC votes on the proposal.
- Bifold's mandate may need to change to be more vocal about being inclusive of other credential formats.
- OWF Prject Proposal Process slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NzDIcN63OURfGenSFMvpaPwveTk2Hpyys7CJIYlxb7A/edit#slide=id.g21f63e63bba_0_77
- Proposal via GitHub: https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/project-proposals
- Project lifecycle: https://tac.openwallet.foundation/governance/project-lifecycle
- Bifold would be a good referenec implementation of how to stich together many OSS projects into an actual usable product. 
- Would we need to support move VDRs as part of the OWF.
- Jason to check on GitHub org parity.
    - https://tac.openwallet.foundation/governance/paid-tooling-policy/
    - https://tac.openwallet.foundation/governance/project-and-lab-services/

Next Meeting

  • Maintainers can vote on moving the project to the OpenWallet Foundation.

Future Topics

New Action Items

  • Update OCA package documentation to discuss usage, card layout (1.0, 1.1), etc.

Recording / Slides

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