Aries DIDCommV2 Working Group 2023-05-08 meeting

Aries DIDCommV2 Working Group 2023-05-08 meeting

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94626752608?pwd=K0t4N3VqRzlscTNYajlxMHNPM08yQT09


  • This is our final meeting. We'll pause until we need to meet again.


(6AM Los Angeles, 9AM New York, 2PM London, 3PM CET, 17H Moscow)

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Welcome / Introductions


Release Status and Work Updates

Discussion Topics

This is our final meeting. We'll pause until there is a need to restart. Ry Jones Stephen Curran Sam Curren 

We encourage anyone interested in DIDComm to attend the weekly DIF DIDComm user-group 

From our last meeting:

April 2023 IIW was awesome! Pics added, more lessons learned to come.

Nessus Demo

  • OOB with a 'public' did document that anyone can use. Chicken and the egg for Root-of-trust.
    • Start with a trust ping.
    • Request a credential? For extra validation.
  • SICPA did peer Java PRs have brought it to usable place 
  • Demo in two weeks
    • OPA verification policies
    • W3C JSON-LD and JWT
    • Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) in java provides compliance for J2EE, similar concept to AIP
      • This is a large market for licensing in the java world
      • DIDComm could have a similar
    • Reference implementation
      • First or most complete Agent that passes the TCK
    • Can DIF own the TCK?
      • Create a test harness similar to what Fabio Pinheiro is asking for in DIDComm v2
  • IBM w/ DIF?

April 2023 IIW DIDComm v2 interop

Interop Profile

DWN & KERI & DIDComm comparison

DIDComm short DIDs

  • Agents can cache DIDs to know if they have resolved the long-form, etc. This cache needs to be well protected or the conversation is lost.
  • DIDComm provides a way to rotate Ephemeral DIDs, specifying a new DID (even from a different DID method).

Other Business

Future Topics

Action items

Call Recording
