2024-03-04 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting


  • Updates on the AnonCreds in W3C VCDM from the Credo and ACA-Py groups (if available)
  • Data organization in the AnonCreds v2 Presentation flow
  • Pluggable Signatures in AnonCreds v2
  • AnonCreds Hyperledger Mentorship Program ideas

Time: 7:00 Pacific / 16:00 Central Europe
Call Link: https://zoom.us/j/97954159540?pwd=WWk3WmQ3MVh1SXBYZGVreGl0QllGdz09



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Meeting Attendees

  • Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
  • 9 others

Related Specifications and Repositories:

Meeting Preliminaries:


  • AnonCreds in W3C VCDM Format - Status/Updates
    • Test Vectors Repo: https://github.com/TimoGlastra/anoncreds-w3c-test-vectors
    • Credo / Bifold Progress:
      • PR is merged into Credo, 0.5.0 Alpha is available
      • Working on the Bifold – update agent to 0.5.0
    • ACA-Py Progress:
      • Progress and work on it.  Difficulty in getting tests to run.
      • ACA-Pug meeting tomorrow for a demo.
  • Data organization in the AnonCreds v2 Presentation flow – presentation
    • For ZKPs in a presentation, make the "claim" item a complex data structure, with one or more ZKPs listed with type and value.
      • Consider how best to handle multiple of the same type – e.g. multiple memberships on the same claim
      • TBD: The exact data format for each type (predicate, range proof, membership, etc.)
    • Revocation to be "automatic" based on whether or not the issuer decides to issue a revocable or non-revocable credential.
      • TBD: the flow of that during issuance
      • TBD: What about the W3C VCDM concept of "credentialStatus" and the possiblity of multiple status types on a credential.
    • Link secret to be likewise automatic – in the schema, in the credential, and always disclosed in a presentation.
    • To Do: formalize the list.
  • Pluggable Signatures in AnonCreds v2 – PR submitted/merged – commits pushed to get the PR accepted.
  • AnonCreds Hyperledger Mentorship Program ideas – suggestion of ideas:
    • A "revocation manager" implementation that can receive sharded requests and send back responses.
    • BBS+ Implementation.
    • Rust coding to work on AnonCreds objects so that they can be published/spec'd.
    • Rust coding to do Post Quantum signatures -- a plugin to the existing library.
    • Other ideas?
  • Open Discussion

To Dos:

Action items