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Hyperledger Aries Framework Javascript 0.4.0 Release, Setting Up an Agent and Issuing Credentials
Join the Hyperledger Aries Framework Javascript community on July 11 for the workshop: Hyperledger Aries Framework Javascript 0.4.0 Release, Setting Up an Agent and Issuing Credentials. Presented by Ariel Gentile, Karim Stekelenburg and Berend Sliedrecht, this workshop will be an in-depth breakdown of what's new in Aries Framework Javascript 0.4.0 as well as an overview of implementation. If you are interested in #blockchain #DLT #HyperledgerAries #decentralizedidentity or #javascript, you should definitely attend.
Running Hyperledger Aries in the Browser with Hyperledger AnonCreds
July 18, 2023
During this interactive session, we will deep-dive into the capabilities of Hyperledger Aries, an open-source project aimed at managing digital identities rooted in blockchain or other distributed ledger technology. Aries includes a shared cryptographic wallet for blockchain clients, along with a set of protocols for enabling decentralized identity. It offers tools, libraries, and reusable components for creating and using independent digital identities based on verifiable credentials, using the power of modern cryptography.
Sam Curren, co-chair of the DIF DIDComm WG, presented a proposed mapping of DIDComm V2 component to the ToIP stack (which may ideally evolve into "DIDComm V3").
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