Excerpt |
Recording of Call: dummyfile.txt
This specification creating group operates under the Linux Foundation Community Specification License v1.0.
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Meeting Attendees
Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <>
- Welcome and Introductions
- Announcements:
- Updates to the Agenda
- Presentation/Agenda Slides
- Getting Organized
- Bi-Weekly meetings on Mondays at 10:00 Pacific / 19:00 Central Europe starting Feb. 20, next meeting March 6
- Goals of the Working Group:
- The goal of AnonCreds v2.0 is to retain and extend the privacy-preserving features of AnonCreds v1.0, while improving capabilities, performance, extensibility, and security.
- What are we starting with?
- Mike's proposal from the AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting of 2022.11.28
- Extends the definition of "Schema" to include a type of each claim based on how it can be used in a presentation
- Extends the current AnonCreds (implicit) types of Integer, Hash and Scalar (blinded) to include:
- Scalar defined by the issuer (not just the hidden blinded link secret)
- Enumerated
- Range (including negative)
- Verified encrypted
- Enables ZKPs on additional types of data, beyond the V1.0 predicates.
- Extends the current AnonCreds (implicit) types of Integer, Hash and Scalar (blinded) to include:
- Covers issuer signing, presentation generation and verification.
- Requires the same interactions as in the AnonCreds v1.0 specification
- Enables the use of more signature schemes
- Mike proposes we could choose to support:
- CL Signatures
- BBS+ Signatures
- BLS Signatures
- Pointcheval-Sanders (PS) -
- We agree there is a benefit to be opinionated on what to use, but will ideally make it easy to swap out what we choose to use.
- Mike proposes we could choose to support:
- Extends the definition of "Schema" to include a type of each claim based on how it can be used in a presentation
- Other things to consider:
- What data model to use – e.g. can we support the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard?
- Approach could be similar to what we have proposed for AnonCreds v1.0 – e.g. using JSON-LD, but don't sign the RDF tuples – sign the encoded data values as per AnonCreds.
- What presentation request data model to use?
- Stick with AnonCreds or switch to Presentation Exchange?
- Revocation
- What data model to use – e.g. can we support the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard?
- What will the V2.0 Spec contain?
- Much like the V1.0 spec, with pointers to the cryptography to be used that is documented elsewhere.
- Mike's proposal from the AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting of 2022.11.28
- Next Steps:
- Mike is creating a HackMD document to cover the Data Models he is proposing:
- Volunteers: We need additional people to lead this group. Step up, folks!
Future Calls
To Dos:
Action items