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This specification creating group operates under the Linux Foundation Community Specification License v1.0.
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Meeting Attendees
Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <>
- Hyperledger Labs Agora – an implementation of (the planned) AnonCreds 2.0 – and more!
- "Unknown Order" library – wrapper of all the well known BigNumber libraries – pick a back end, go...
- Constant time libraries for security.
- Why "unknown order" – don't know the order unless you know the secret – MPC relies on a group of Big Nums unknown_order – blob of binary that you have to know about to interpret
- Side note: class groups is coming for a similar purpose
- Paillier RS
- blsful ("Blissful") – BLS Signatures – everything in BLS Signatures, and what's needed in AnonCreds 2.0.
- Signing, verifying, threshold signing, assembling
- Algomar proofs Key shares
- sign_crypt – sign and encrypt/decrypt and verify
- Wrapper around Intel's blst ("Blast") library – hides
- CredX – anoncreds 2.0
- Not part of Agora – likely to go to AnonCreds directly.
- Being worked to break out the components, so CredX is more glue, less cryptography.
- "Unknown Order" library – wrapper of all the well known BigNumber libraries – pick a back end, go...
- Open Discussion
Future Calls