Meeting Agenda & Notes:
Thurs July 18, 2019
- Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Hyperledger Antitrust Policy: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy/
- Introductions from new or returning participants
- Housekeeping
- Upcoming Calls
- July 25: OPEN (suggest a topic)
- Future
- GitLab CI/CD Changes
- Annoncreds 2.0
- ... add your topic here ...
- Updating call structure and organization
- Project Updates
- Ursa & Crypto updates
- Aries updates
- Indy (Ledger and Semantics)
- Upcoming Calls
- Consent Lifecycle Demo
- Open Discussion
Thurs July 11, 2019
- Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Hyperledger Antitrust Policy: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy/
- Introductions from new or returning participants
- Housekeeping
- Request for Comments - Hyperledger 2020 items to support the contributor community in 2020 - What Hyperledger Contributor Community supports would enable better outcomes?
- The Governing Board would like to review suggestions ahead of their 2019-07-30 meeting.
For example:
Shared CI infrastructure
Active projects must fulfill CII best practices for continuous build and test. The original sizing of resources to support that requirement does not match the current project demand. Additional resources are required. A subcommittee has assessed the needs and produced the following recommendation. etc...
- Please add items to the tracking table on the wiki: 2020 RFC
- The Governing Board would like to review suggestions ahead of their 2019-07-30 meeting.
- Upcoming Calls:
- July 18: Consent Lifecycle Demo w/ JanL
- July 25: OPEN (suggest a topic)
- Future:
- GitLab CI/CD Changes
- Annoncreds 2.0
- Project Updates:
- Aries WG
- DID Doc conventions
- Aries RFC
- Peer DIDs (mult efforts)
- Next week: 2 time zones (US AM/EOD EU)
- implement DID Docs and where it fits
- where is Indy SDK? Aries SDK?
- Topic of afternoon call is TBD (Agenda in the wiki)
- Indy Semantics
- Tues 7/9 - vocab for doing consent
- JanL Demo
- next meeting in 2 weeks
- Indy SDK / NODE
- Removed Indy SDK WG call (combining with Indy Maintainers)
- released updates to Node and SDK
- refactoring plugins
- new release End of July
- bug fixes, CLI improvements, tab completion
- main effort in Node
- progress
- Hyperledger URSA/Sovrin Crypto
- Ursa - implementing generic interface
- so hardware or Secure Enclave vendors can plug in using URSA
- 2 vendors who want to use it (Intel and Unbound)
- good for INDY - on the ledger could use generic interface and use Intel SGX or Unbound’s HSM stuff to store ledger keys, could swap, prevents vendor lock in
- Ursa - implementing generic interface
- Aries WG
- Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
- Request for Comments - Hyperledger 2020 items to support the contributor community in 2020 - What Hyperledger Contributor Community supports would enable better outcomes?
Open Discussion