- Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Hyperledger Antitrust Policy: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy/
- Introductions from new or returning participants
- Housekeeping
- BC Gov Code With Us Opportunity (bounty $50k CDN) - an Indy/Aries IdP for an OpenID Connect IAM - Red Hat's Keycloak
- New Indy HIPEs - Rich Schemas and Rich Schema Context - please take a look and understand the new schema model
- Request for Comments - Hyperledger 2020 items to support the contributor community in 2020 - What Hyperledger Contributor Community supports would enable better outcomes?
- The Governing Board would like to review suggestions ahead of their 2019-07-30 meeting.
For example:
Shared CI infrastructure
Active projects must fulfill CII best practices for continuous build and test. The original sizing of resources to support that requirement does not match the current project demand. Additional resources are required. A subcommittee has assessed the needs and produced the following recommendation. etc...
- Please add items to the tracking table on the wiki: 2020 RFC
- The Governing Board would like to review suggestions ahead of their 2019-07-30 meeting.
- Upcoming Calls:
- July 11: OPEN (suggest a topic)
- July 18: OPEN (suggest a topic)
- Future:
- GitLab CI/CD Changes
- Annoncreds 2.0
- Project Updates:
- Aries WG - a lively discussion about splitting Indy and Aries - where's the line for each component?
- Indy Semantics - Schema 2.0 and discussion of "Aries Semantics" - decision - hold off until at least Sept. to start.
- Indy SDK WG - No call this week.
- Hyperledger URSA/Sovrin Crypto
- Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
The Trust Stack vs. The Technical Stack - Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass Computing/BC Gov)
- A Quick Summary of the Aries Cloud Agent - Python. Bring on the Web Developer Community - we're ready!
Open Discussion