2022 HY2 Media and Entertainment

July - December 2022

Bi-Annual Report

Q2 Overview Summary 


MESIG is focused on applying Hyperledger (DLTs) to media and entertainment-specific scenarios. The topics covered include decentralized metadata, digital distribution, copyright protection, royalty payments, value chains, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), tokenized content, counterfeit reduction, registered digital ownership, metaverse, and Web 3.0 that will lead to real-world solutions for motion picture & television directors, authors, audiovisual influencers, photographic publishers, gamers, music creators, and artists.

MESIG progress Summary

To simplify user navigation, the WIKI page was designed with a Tree on the left margin, general information, and shortcut links on the right margin.

Media & Entertainment SIG Subgroups:

Proposed Subgroups

MESIG Progress Summary

  1. The MESIG opened the Second Quarter of 2022 with informative agendas and presentations.  Several blockchain and metaverse capabilities are being demonstrated in the media and entertainment industry using Hyperledger Fabric.
  2. Our members are encouraged to submit requests to be included on the agenda at every meeting to promote meeting involvement.
  3. The Hyperledger Foundation 2022 Global Forum was held in Dublin, Ireland, September 12 -14th.  Brett Russell managed the MESIG  table at the Forum.  The Hyperledger Foundation 2022 Global Forum increased our visibility in Dublin's growing film industry.




Michael Parenti is to be presented in the near future, TBA. Click here to learn more: https://about.me/exiledsurfer


This Summer and Fall, The National FinTech Center at Morgan State University and The Hyperledger Foundation presented a three-part webinar series. The series started on July 28, 2022, at 12:00-1:00 pm ET  (9:00-10:00 am PST). Demystifying the Metaverse: Identity & Individuals:  

Here is the link: https://fintech.morgan.edu/demystifying-the-metaverse/


KNODELEDGE Business Project for the Film & TV industry. The links are listed below in the Current Projects on the SIG WikiPage:   

WikiPage: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/Projects

 A complete description of the KNODELEDGE Project is listed on the link below:


Date & Time: July 18, 2022 

Agenda Topic Discussions: Our agenda remained the same. 

Developers Venkat and Ramesh Miriyala presented their Hyperledger Explorer DApp Marketplace project. The platform includes an integrated pet shop based on Hyperledger Fabric and Metamask. The metaverse, music NFT, and supply chain management are also covered. The marketplace was effectively demonstrated by Ramesh with Brett's assistance. Besides presenting to our MESIG, we recommended Ramesh and Venkat connect with our Supply Chain Group.

Contact Information:  Ramesh Miriyala Ramesh.m@ramdisk.in  & Venkat venkat@ramdisk.in


Date & Time: August 15, 2022

Agenda Topic Discussions:  This MONTHLY MESIG meeting scheduled for Monday, August 15th, 2022, has been canceled. The wiki page was updated to reflect this change.

Matt Zarracina, CEO of True Tickets, presentation is available; it took place on August 11, 2022, Thursday at 9:00 AM Pacific / 12:00 PM CEST True Tickets - Creating The Future Of Ticketing

Talking The Future of NFT and Film with Jordan Bayne, an award-winning filmmaker and actor, is postponed until further notice.


Click on the link below to learn more about our presenter. https://jordanbayne.com/

Date & Time: September 12, 2022

Agenda Topic Discussions:   Our agenda remained the same. 

Welcome to the Media & Entertainment SIG monthly special meeting. LIVE from Dublin, Ireland, where Hyperledger Global Forum 2022 was live-streamed by Brett Russell.

Check it out here: https://youtu.be/RjATnyK7zSEPOST

Brett walked around the Community Fair and Sponsors Area. Presenters and participants discussed their projects and businesses and shared their experiences. We are grateful to Brett Russell for taking the time to share the Global Forum with our group. 

Michael Parenti is to be presented in the near future, TBA. 

Learn more about our presenters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Parenti


Date & Time: October 20, 2022

Agenda Topic Discussions: Our agenda remained the same. 

Jordan Bayne, an award-winning, internationally exhibited filmmaker and actor, talked about blockchain and the massive potential and industry disruption of film, video, and motion pictures as NFTs. 

Talking About The Future of NFT and Film: October 6, 2022, Thursday at 9:00 AM Pacific / 12:00 PM ET - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzlF6lkSHWk

Learn more about Jordan Bayne. https://jordanbayne.com/

EVENTS: LA Film Event -  Jordan’s LA Event - Inaugural Film13 Summit October 21-23, 2022 On Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbayne?s=20&t=t1oxav5MuIh32rTKGAYe3w

Date & Time: November 14, 2022

Agenda Topic Discussions:  Our agenda remained the same. 

Sandy Aggarwal, our Gaming Subgroup lead, has concluded the Morgan State Fintech center Webinar Series started on July 28, 2022. He and Rafael Brown from https://www.symbolzero.com/ participated in a panel discussion on Demystifying the Metaverse. 

Here are the replay links:

The Path to the Metaverse - https://youtu.be/iFbF0ykbd7U

Metaverse Identity and Individuals - https://youtu.be/T43TJ5JVhTg

Metaverse Community and Social - https://youtu.be/yhBqLqX0JIo

Sandy also presented at The 3rd Annual Morgan State Fintech Center Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida. Here's a brief description: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sandyaggarwal_the-road-to-the-metaverse-activity-6997006231773028352-th8X?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Morgan State Fintech Center is now a member of Hyperledger.

Date & Time: December 14, 2022

Agenda Topic Discussions:  Our agenda remained the same. 

The general MESIG Calls will resume on Monday, January 30, 2023

Issues and Challenges 

Our monthly meetings attendance is low yet very engaging. We had excellent presentation attendance. Additionally, we've had visitors interested in presenting during the next quarter.  

Hyperledger MESIG Membership page https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/MESIG+New+Member+Center 

MESIG Presentations 

Presentations: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MESIG/Presentations

MESIG Projects Under Development:  

An NFT panel discussion will focus on digital rights for games and music.

TBA, more information coming soon. 

Kyle Smith, the Music Subgroup Lead, will present, and more information will be available next quarter.


MESIG Gaming Subgroup Lead Contributor: Sandy Aggarwal

The Gaming Subgroup provides this information:  

Meeting Agenda (Draft)

  • Welcome to our biweekly meeting
    • Please note all Hyperledger meetings are governed under Hyperledger Code of Conduct and mutual respect (agree to disagree with respect)
    • Welcoming new members 
  • Housekeeping Updates
    • Change to Meeting Time: Meeting time rescheduled. We'll now have this meeting every two weeks on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm Eastern 
    • Use of Trello: Please refer to the Kanban board for task management. Hyperledger uses GitHub Tasks but Trello seems to provide better options. 
  • Project Lab
  • Projects Discussion (Research Paper)
    • Part 1: Intro to Blockchain Gaming
      • Work in progress on various sections
      • Tokenomics of selected games - work in progress by Maria
      • NFT analysis - work in progress by Kris
      • Tech stacks on selected games - work in progress by Sandy
    • Part 2: Deep dive into use cases
      • Draft to be started once part 1 of paper is completed
      • Discuss potential use cases for research 
        • Micro-transactions and where to store transactional data (striking a balance between on-chain & off-chain)
        • Game engine versus game state data 
        • Use of DAO (if and where applicable)
        • Definition of game assets as NFTs (deep dive into current standards such as ERC 721 vs ERC 1155)
        • Game Economy (Deep dive into use of Stablecoins instead of speculative coins)
        • Use of SSI for cross game and Direct to Avatar plays
      • Discussion held with NEFERTI project team to collaborate with gaming lab
      • Discussion held with Firefly team to start collaboration in the gaming project (Game project will use Firefly for blockchain tooling) 
    • Part 3: Defining best practices, standards and design patterns
      • Draft to be started once part 1 is fully drafted and under review 
      • Meeting held with Polygon (MATIC) team for open source collaboration. 
      • Meeting held with Open Meta team for collaboration on their SDK. Please join team Discord here. 
      • Meeting held with Curvegrid management for a demo of their blockchain tools (MultiBaas)
  • Presentations
    • Next presentation: TBD 
    • Future presentations: please feel free to suggest ideas
  • Any other topics



Members were encouraged to add topic discussions to the monthly meeting agenda.  New attendees are always welcome. All Hyperledger meetings are covered by the following Antitrust Policy and the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.



Stay in touch on Discord Messaging Chat  

Discord Messaging Chat is available to all group members: https://discord.gg/hyperledger  Members are welcome to follow the MESIG channel and subgroups. 

Date Published: 12/23/22

Report Author: Randy Givens