Meeting Notes - Jan 31, 2020

Meeting Notes - Jan 31, 2020




Discussion items

10 minKick OffRaveesh Dewan
  • Introductions and General Updates
  • Linux Foundation Anti Trust Policy Announcements
10 minsOpen Discussion All 
  1. Kent discussed his work on Fabric with the Patient consent sub-group and eConsent module being developed with Fabric and Sawtooth.
    1. https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/patient-consent
    2. Use case Protocol for Clinical Trial use case - Since there needs to be paperwork even with digitization. 
    3. Alex's work - https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/patient-consent/commits?author=AlexZhovnuvaty

  2. Purpose and ideas of the re-organized subgroup
    1. Consider Security sub-group involvement - RD
    2. Charter for the year
      1. Soft deadlines for some deliverable
      2. Conferences or discussions with larger players and Payers

  3. Ideas for improved/increase in participation
    1. How do we broaden the POC (rather than focusing on a Payer)
    2. Consider creating a messaging group once we begin our work.
30 minsOpen discussionAll
  1. POC got more interest and traction than Whitepaper - RD
    1. Consider formulating a more detailed use case
    2. A Vision Payer agreed to partner and put together a POC

  2. Any other Ideas for use cases
    1. EOB document - digital platform - Brian
    2. Prescription Management (Payer, Provider and Member) - Independent of Pharmacy - Raveesh
    3. Credentialing - Credentialing people and Institutions alike (MITs work - https://www.media.mit.edu/projects/media-lab-digital-certificates/overview/)
10 minsRecap and SummaryRaveesh Dewan

Recap and Action Items

  1. Kent will provide an overview in the next meeting

Action items
