2023-06-27 Meeting notes
2023-06-27 Meeting notes
Shonzi Satou
Marc Diamond
Sandra Fernandez-Osores
- Meet at the CA2SIG peer programming meeting to explore how the net emissions tokens network could be used to trade carbon offsets and health data.
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Explore payment systems | Elisabeth Green | showed her payment UI demo video, analyzed CA2SIG demo video | |
30 min | Explore payment systems | Marc Diamond | showed CA2SIG demo video and instructions |
Action items
- We explored how the net emissions tokens network could be used to trade carbon offsets and health data. We tried to add environmental health data tokens or carbon-backed NFTs as tokens to an offset dealer account in the Network shown in the video at https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/CASIG/Emissions+Tokens+Network and followed closely how the demo started with hardhat on a localhost. However, none of us had a wallet with Goerli test net tokens. And, the faucet requires signup or login with Alchemy to request any. So, we have to read the Terms of service and privacy policy before getting an alchemy account. And then we can get the goerli test tokens. And then we can try it at the next meeting.
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