6/24/2019 Hyperledger Sawtooth Contributor Meeting
6/24/2019 Hyperledger Sawtooth Contributor Meeting
- Welcome (Mark)
- Demo of Sabre 0.4 (Andi)
- Review of Sawtooth and v1.2 Status on Multi-Project Kanban Board (Mark)
- Open RFCs (see below)
- PR Status Discussions (see below)
- Open Forum
Open RFCs:
- How to proceed on docker build and run - https://github.com/hyperledger/sawtooth-rfcs/pull/45 (Arun/Dan Anderson)
PRs for discussion:
- Send serialized transaction header to the transaction processor. (Arun)
- Discuss the SDK behavior, is backward compatibility expected? If it has to be breaking change then is it a 2.0 feature?
- Conclude on the behavior for implementation.
Open Forun:
- Discussion on multiple connection issue. How to solve the race condition? (Arun)
, multiple selections available,