10/28/2019 Hyperledger Sawtooth Contributor Meeting Agenda
10/28/2019 Hyperledger Sawtooth Contributor Meeting Agenda
Link to the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/438462056
- Welcome (Mark)
- Sawtooth v1.2 Release
- Review of Multi-Project Kanban Board (Mark)
- PR Status Discussions
- https://github.com/hyperledger/sawtooth-core/pull/2187 - Arun
- https://github.com/hyperledger/sawtooth-sdk-go/pull/38 - Ryan/Arun/Shawn
- (Low Priority) https://github.com/hyperledger/sawtooth-website/pull/61 - Arun
- (Low Priority) https://github.com/hyperledger/sawtooth-sdk-go/pull/19 - Arun
- Open Forum
- PBFT vote threshold discussion-Logan
- Question on the introduction of splinter/plan. - Arun
- Question on using HL Transact, open discussions on the topic - Arun
- General question - how does Hyperledger Internship program works? Plan for proposing HL Sawtooth projects in the internship. - Arun
- Folder walk through of what's available in the rust version of VR TP, before raising the PR - Arun
, multiple selections available,