2020-12-17 Identity Implementers WG Call
2020-12-17 Identity Implementers WG Call
On Today's Call:
- Review Working Group status updates
- Open discussion of current SSI topics
Please note:
- No meeting on 31 Dec 2020
- Next meeting on 14 Jan 2021
- Happy Holidays!
Connection Info
The call takes place over Zoom: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.3?pwd=UE90WHhEaHRqOGEyMkV3cldKa2d2dz09
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
All activities should be conducted in accordance with the Antitrust Policy found here.
- Name (Organization) <email>
- Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs) <smccown@anonyome.com>
- Nathan George
- Alex Jonsson
- Rounak Ghosh
- Jim StClair
- Sam Curren
- Himangshu Pan
- IIW Workshop #31 (Oct 2020) Proceedings: https://internetidentityworkshop.com/past-workshops/
- IIW Workshop #32 (Apr 2021), online, reg opens Dec 14th: https://internetidentityworkshop.com
Working Group Reports and Release Plans
- Main Identity WG
- Meeting Notes: 2020-11-25 (Dec meeting cancelled)
- "The State of SSI" – Drummond Reed
- Slides State of SSI.pdf
- Recording available
- Meeting Notes: 2020-11-25 (Dec meeting cancelled)
- Hyperledger Indy
- Contributors Meeting
- 2020-12-08 Indy Contributors Call
- Indy Node / Plenum
- Next release in progress, will support Ubuntu 18.04 (Jira Issue)
- Need assistance with Jenkins CI/CD pipeline and moving to Github Actions
- Indy SDK
- Next release in progress, led by Ian Costanzo
- iOS / MacOS: 64-bit only
- Rust issue – need to consider when to switch to newer version
- Indy Monitoring - https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-monitor
- Evernym's next items (won't be adopting shared libraries, will probably maintain LibIndy as a fork outside of Hyperledger)
- Removing the Sovrin Token from Sovrin MainNet
- Progress: Indy DID Method (did:indy) Specification
- Indy DID:Method Spec-ing Meeting - weekly, Tuesday 7AM Pacific - Indy DID Method Specification
- Indy Node / Plenum
- Indy/Aries Shared Libraries
- Current status: creating a branch of ACA-Py with these components and without indy-sdk
- Working ACA-Py branch doing credential exchange! Adding handling in anticipation of JSON-LD credentials.
- Indy Shared:
- indy-vdr (Andrew Whitehead) https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr
- indy-credx - https://github.com/andrewwhitehead/indy-credx
- indy-shared-rs - https://github.com/bcgov/indy-shared-rs
- Aries Shared:
- aries-credx - https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/aries-credx-framework-rs
- areis-askar - https://github.com/andrewwhitehead/aries-askar
- 2020-12-08 Indy Contributors Call
- Contributors Meeting
- Hyperledger Aries
- Aries Working Group meetings:
- Meeting Agenda & Notes: Aries Working Group
- WG A: 2020-12-16-A Aries Working Group Call (AMER morning)
- Digital Immunization Passport (DIP) - Demo - how ACA-PY, Aries Toolbox, Personal Data Store and OCA can provide data harmonization and authentic data exchange. Christoph Fabianek (OwnYourData), Robert Mitwicki(HCF)
- WG B: 2020-12-16-B Aries Working Group Call (US afternoon)
- Issues
- Testing Demo - BCGov - Aries Agent Test Harness daily testing run reports: acapy-acapy, dotnet-dotnet, acapy-dotnet
- Aries Interop Profile (AIP) Next - Stephen Curran
- Aries Agents (Cloud Agent Python, Static Agent)
- Release 0.5.6 is out.
- Contributions in progress:
- Multi-Tenant Agent - from Lukas Müller, SICPA and collaborators
- Java Clients
- Mediator configuration
- Toolbox - Various improvements including Transaction Author Agreement support for Indy ledgers requiring it
- New web app repo https://github.com/thclab/aries
- Aries Shared Libraries (agent storage, vdr, utils)
- aries-credx - https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/aries-credx-framework-rs
- areis-askar - https://github.com/andrewwhitehead/aries-askar
- Aries Language Frameworks and SDKs (Go, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Ruby, Python)
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python (bc.gov)
- Release 0.5.6 is out.
- Contributions in progress:
- DID Exchange support added yesterday to main branch – testing
- Adjustments for supporting aries-askar – mostly internal
- Persistent Queues – Kiva
- Multi-Tenant Support - SICPA and collaborators (Animo, Anon Solutions)
- Mediator Support – Indicio
- Getting to W3C Verifiable Credential support with ZKP and Selective Disclosure with Revocation.
- DHS SVIP JSON-LD Verifiable Credential exchange in Aries Protocols
- May be doing some bounties related to this
- Thinking about adding aries-vdr concept – pluggable, multi-ledger resolution
- Aries-Framework-Go #aries-go
- 2020-11-03 Meeting Notes
- BBS+ Verifiable Credentials implemented using pure Go. Example.
- Next tasks: interop testing against Mattr implementation and selective disclosure capabilities.
- Working on adding remote encrypted storage capability - with a default implementation of DIF Secure Data Storage - Encrypted Data Vaults.
- Encrypted Data Vault (EDV) from DIF SDS spec format has been implemented. Works as an encryption wrapper to underlying storage providers.
- DIF EDV/SDS REST client is in progress. Docker image will support configuring EDV endpoint as wallet storage.
- Remote KMS support is in progress. Docker image will support configuring remote KMS.
- Created repo to handle pluggable go framework components such as Indy VDR: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go-ext
- MySQL and CouchDB components moved to ext repo.
- New contributions of MongoDB and RabbitMQ support to the ext repo.
- Aries-SDK-Ruby
- Horcrux gem for ActiveStorage (0.0.4), moved to https://github.com/decentralized-identity/activestorage-horcrux
- Aries-CloudAgent-Python (bc.gov)
- Tools
- Aries Toolbox – converted to a web application by Robert Mitwicki - repo https://github.com/thclab/aries
- Aries Protocol Test Suite - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-protocol-test-suite
- Aries Agent Test Harness - https://github.com/bcgov/aries-agent-test-harness
- Aries Working Group meetings:
- Hyperledger Ursa
- Homepage: Hyperledger Ursa (EOL)
- 2020-12-8 Meeting Agenda
- Approved the secret sharing PR.
- Accumulator discussion.
- Outstanding issues:
- k256 crate.
- Already migrated for the signature refactor.
- Can Milagro be removed? (Only left for Indy.)
- Ursa refactor.
- Revocation issues (led by Brent)
- IETF Standardizing BLS Signatures
- k256 crate.
- Discussion on PR #143 (is there still interest?)
- Trust Over IP Foundation
- Main site: https://trustoverip.org/
- Wiki: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Trust+Over+IP+Foundation
- Webinar: Trust over IP and Government (15 Dec 2020)
- Verifiable Credentials, passports, Covid Credential Initiative (CCI)
- https://zoom.us/rec/share/j4vfX47K1RPgZlmGHpfrC6YEh6RXGs86KiEdTmq6z4VUOFM7Aa97u-6Yzz5rZ6dx.jg5BtbuA5HnxYOVL
- 18 Nov 2020 All Members Meeting: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/All+Members+Meeting+Page
- Meting notes https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2020-11-18+All+Members+Meeting+Notes
- Slides: Slides
- 11 Nov 2020 - Steering Committee Meeting: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2020-11-11+Steering+Committee+Meeting+Page
- ToIP Working Groups:
- Communications Committee
- https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Communications+Committee
- 11 Dec 2020 meeting https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2020-12-11+Communications+Committee+Meeting+Notes
- ToIP webinar series being planned
- Governance Stack
- Governance models & standards https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/concepts/0289-toip-stack
- Main WG Page: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/GSWG+Meeting+Page
- 16 Dec 2020 meeting (NA/EU) https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2020-12-16+GSWG+APAC+Meeting+Notes
- Documents
- Technical Stack
- 14 Dec 2020 WG: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2020-12-14+Weekly+Meeting
- Migration to Kanban tooling.
- Trello Account Setup; Board creation WIP.
- Goal is to improve WG reporting (scrum activity) and allow Task Forces to organize and manage activity.
- Upon completion of KanBan boards: Convert TSWG Bi-monthy Meeting into a Monthly Scrum of Scrums (SOS); Allowing TFs to meet more frequently and to be more focused on actual deliverables than status updates.
- Triage GitHub Issues
- Migration to Kanban tooling.
- 14 Dec 2020 WG: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2020-12-14+Weekly+Meeting
- Utility Foundry
- 10 Nov 2020 WG: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2020-11-10+Meeting+Page
- Projects:
- Bedrock
Call for interested companies that may be interested in joining. Send email request to Dan Gisolfi stating company name and contact email address.
Soft Launch Scheduled for 18 Nov 2020.
- IDunion
- Competition phase in final stages, proposal has been handed in to German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs for execution phase. Final project report is work in progress. Activities on IDunion legal entity continue.
- Sovrin
- Indicio
- Indicio TestNet had successful "first upgrade" last week. DemoNet scheduled to be "live" by the end of next week, and MainNet scheduled to be "live" by the end of the year. Official announcements are forthcoming.
- Bedrock
- Ecosystem Foundry
- Decentralized Semantics
- Concepts and Terminology
- WG: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=65700
- Develop a glossary of shared concepts and terminology
- Communications Committee
- DIF DIDComm Working Group
- Rolling Agenda: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm/blob/main/agenda.md
- 14 Dec 2020 meeting:
- Milestones
- First Complete Draft - reads correctly from beginning to end Nov 30th
- DIDComm.org Progress
DID Use Cases
- 128 - to header semantics
Support DID Methods without endpoint support
- Strategy: Rotate to something that does
- Strategy: Allow indication of endpoint information in a message.
- Endpoint, routing
does not indicate routing. Perhapsreply_routing
= []?- Requires message from DID owner first.
- Scope: message, conversation, everything?
- Not all messages will be replies
- use cases:
- existing relationship use local connetion like bluetooth. Does the DID Doc need to be updated? Reply info could be used to manage using a temporary local connection.
- DID method that doesn't support an endpoint, or won't for legal reasons.
- modify mediation path dynamically
- Carrying Cost
- maintaining temporary state
- increased comlexity of sending message
- different replication of service block in reply headers
- Milestones
- DIF Interoperability Group
- Main: https://identity.foundation/interop/
- Wiki: https://www.notion.so/Interoperability-WG-a42995c37e2a4511a10aea96cdbccc38
- Rolling agenda: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/interoperability/blob/master/agenda.md
- 16 Dec 2020: VC deep dive series: A VC-focused Tour of the Authenticator architecture with Tim Capalli (MSFT)
- Sovrin Foundation
- Technical Governance Board (TGB)
- 10 Dec 2020 Meeting Minutes:
- No call on 24 Dec 2020
- Governance Framework discussion (Sankarshan), looking for inputs on:
- Public Write Access
- Network of Networks support/interoperability (including the Indy DID method)
- KERI support
- Economics and sustainability plan
- Increasing Contributions by public shoutouts (Steve McCown)
- "Sovrin Certified Developer" (Danial Hardman)
- Existing Hyperledger process (Marta)
- Requesting volunteers for Indy CI/CD (contact Stephen Curran)
- Need help with existing Jenkins service and moving to Github Actions
- Discussion on the future of Indy-SDK (Richard Esplin; Evernym)
- 10 Dec 2020 Meeting Minutes:
- Steward Council
- 10 Dec 2020 Meeting Minutes:
- Reviewed Workstreams (1) Health monitoring, 2) technical, 3) community engagement)
- No call on 24 Dec 2020
- Next meeting 21 Jan 2021 will be an All Steward Call
- Update from TGB (Steve McCown; see above)
- Indy Updates (Richard Esplin; Evernym)
- Indy Node release
- Jenkins needs updating; Github Actions to be used for future releases
- CI / CD
- Ubuntu upgrade - most work done on Ubuntu 18.04 support. Ubuntu 20 will require more work and need volunteers/people to do this work.
- Indy-Crypto to Ursa
- Impact of Sovrin token - request to remove token code
- Token code deployed but not maintained.
- Want to remove the token plugin from mainnet. No transaction against the token ledger so easier to remove compared to staging/builder nets.
- Indy SDK release
- Stop support or help with releases of IndySDK
- Moved to new repos
- Aries-Askar - wallets
- Aries-Credx - Credential Exchange
- Aries-Vdr - Ledger comms
- Evernym
- No plans to continue maintaining IndySDK
- Focussing on replacement libraries
- Overview and achievements of the last 6 months
- MVP metrics dashboard
- Uses indy-node-monitor via validator-info
- Indy-ledger-monitor
- Query DIDs, credential definitions, schemas
- Query the ledger like indy-scan without a 3rd party
- What metrics can be public?
- Most information can be public, but some information could be used to attack specific nodes.
- Key focus is to increase knowledge of and contribution to Indy
- Ongoing discussions about decentralization of MainNet governance
- Steward council meetings inform Stewards about Indy
- Stewards need ability to raise concerns about Indy before code is developer and / or deployed
- We need a process for stewards to be part of the release approval
- Need more ideas for engaging with steward community.
- Sovrin Governance Framework Discussion
- Utility Governance Framework
- Ecosystem Governance Framework
- Version 3 of the SGF will be two efforts:
- Would like Steward input into both frameworks.
- Open Steward discussion - Community
- Sovrin channel in RocketChat, Sovrin Forums, and mailing list aren't maintained
- Indy Node release
- Network is healthy with near 100% uptime
- 10 Dec 2020 Meeting Minutes:
- Technical Governance Board (TGB)
- W3C Standard
- Verifiable Credentials Working Group
- DID Working Group
- Other?
Future Topics
- Trust over IP (www.trustoverip.org)
Call Recording
, multiple selections available,
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