Contributor Spotlight Blog Post Questions

To highlight the work of SIG and WG chairs and their groups, we can put together Contributor Spotlight blog posts that cover information about what the chair and groups have been doing, why their work is important and how to get involved.

If you're interested in being featured in a Contributor Spotlight post, please send us answers to each of the following questions:

  • Tell us about yourself. Describe your current role, your current business and background, and your involvement in the Hyperledger [XYZ] SIG.
  • What is one issue or problem blockchain can solve in the [XYZ] industry today? 
  • Where do you hope to see Hyperledger and/or blockchain in 5 years? 
  • What is the [XYZ] SIG working on currently? Any new developments to share? 
  • What's the most important milestone for the Hyperledger [SIG] to reach by the end of 2019? 
  • Why should someone participate in the group? Why is it important for Hyperledger to encourage collaboration around adopting blockchain technologies in this industry?
  • What are a few ways people can participate in and contribute to the [XYZ] SIG? (i.e., What type of support does the group need?)
  • How can people get involved in the [XYZ] SIG? (i.e., Join the calls, what is the dial-in, when do they meet, what's the wiki link, etc.)