2019-10-02 Meeting Agenda
2019-10-02 Meeting Agenda
- To be or just 1B, that is the question
- Discuss our philosophy on the library scope / features. Maybe a microcosm of the "what is hyperledger" discussion we have constantly in the TSC. Do we want redundant systems or should we be defining a minimal set of systems that provides all intended features? Thinking of this particularly for zmix where we will often be taking on newer / higher risk implementations. The PS RFC may be a good concrete example to work through. How does the breadth of scope impact the overall security and API consistency of the library(ies).
- Outstanding PRs.
- RFC Discussion
- Upcoming maintainer summit discussion: who is attending, and what do we want to work on?
- Global forum: should we submit Ursa talks?
- What pairings implementations are we using / providing?
, multiple selections available,