June 19th, 2019
Intro / New Faces
Outstanding Changes Needing Review
Discussion Topics
- Restructuring of EVMCC to separate EVMCC code from Fab3 as well as dependencies
- Current status / attention of Swetha & Morgan.
- minimal changes for basic truffle E2E
- 2 small changes, one more involved change that conflicts with #1, restructuring
- https://github.com/swetharepakula/fabric-chaincode-evm/tree/truffle-wip
- Anything Else
- fabtoken info - delayed from 2.0
- evm gas limit hit by some users
- should make a Jira for this
- make it stored on the chaincode, use a transaction to change the value, thus all users of an instance must agree, etc
- Burrow v0.26.2 release
- mentions a bug that has been fixed in the evm.
Meeting Recording: 2019-06-19_FabricEVMCommunityCall
, multiple selections available,