2019-07 July Release Planning

  • version number. How stable do we think we can be and what can we do to enforce that
    • 0.3 still more incompatible changes
    • 1.0 stable for a while 
    • Incompatibilities identified, need to document in devguide or upgrade notes
      • go version for fabric (example: fab 1.2 uses go 1.9 which EVMCC has a lib that is not compatible with)
      • data storage format in the ledger (if burrow changes what it reads and writes during execution, or our caching layer changes formats)
      • evmcc to proxy data format (we store events as json blobs, and pull them out of fabric ledger storage before directly handing off to fab3 to parse)version number. How stable do we think we can be and what can we do to enforce that
      • versions of fab3 vs evmcc (separate version numbers for each)
        • upgrades and compatibility between the two
        • being able to upgrade the evmcc
        • upgrading burrow and the stability for changes over time
        • mitigating through evmcc/fab3 shared types, and not types out of our control
    • Resolution: minor 0.X for now
  • update dependencies
    • fabric-sdk-go
      • Reason: useful functionality in future-dated fabric not present.
      • mhb: question on design that involves 'third party' and 'external' for vendored dependencies. Makes it incompatible when we need to refer to both fabric and
      • When does Wallet support and fabtoken support arrive in sdk-go
      • when does sdk-go get offline txn signing? Do we push for this change and implement it ourselves
  • Truffle support
    • 3 or 4 more?
    • required GetLogs, complete
    • more APIs required, in Jira
    • STATICCALL fixed by upgrading burrow dependency, was blocker
  • Finish evm log filtering
    • asked for by name in rocket chat, separate from truffle
    • web3 filtering, may or may not need more log support
  • Technical Debt
    • API input, parse args, do logic
      • have a consistent pattern
    • JIRAs
      • 0x input and output
  • Update Gorilla JSON RPC 2.0
    • http request interception feature useful for threading through the request id and logging context
  • Docs
    • Improve documentation to be helpful to both Ethereum and Fabric developers'

Open questions

  • web3.py? maybe we can write an example?
  • EVMCC and new lifecycle
    • sdk-go needs to handle it, so we can use it through them
    • go lifecycle hasn’t changed, Init+Invoke
    • no interactions with go-sdk against new lifecycle currently
  • EVMCC and permissioned model interaction
    • more documentation?
    • hard to bring fabric concepts to evm.
    • we have seen people implement custom opcodes, to provide functionality in other spaces.
      • people need to be able to call the chaincode, special compiler
    • not impossible, but is it useful?
  • fab 2.0 native token backing currently unused native ether token
    • more examples of EIP tokens, erc 20, erc 7XX, etc.
    • 2.1, push thinking about it to next release. wait.
  • ethereum developer has an ease of accessing a test network
    • no open equivalent for fabric, can we provide an endpoint to connect to?
    • maybe we can deploy evmcc as example for the interop group, on their network
  • more regular call
    • once a week maybe too often
    • once a month? (meeting is so scheduled, once monthly, third wednesday of the month)

July Release Planning call recording 2019-04-17