Organizer Meeting: June 2, 2020
Organizer Meeting: June 2, 2020
Any existing Hyperledger meetup organizer, or anyone interested in becoming a Hyperledger meetup organizer, is welcome to attend these calls.
Meeting Details
- Day: June 2 (the first Tuesday of each month)
- Time: 16:00 UTC / 9 AM pacific (feel free to suggest alternate times)
- Dial-in: https://zoom.us/j/4336690939
- Introductions
- New resources
- Report back from Wiki Improvement Sub-Group
- Improve the meetup creation experience by making all resources easier to discover and use
- Improve the meetup content experience by making content from past events easier to find
- Perhaps a better name would be Meetup Experience Work Group
- Let me know if you'd like to join and I can add you to the invite. The call is also on the Meetup Calendar.
- If people are interested in other work groups, feel free to propose ideas. For example, an Event Template Work Group create recommendations on event length, number of speakers, how to incorporate interaction elements like polling, etc.
- YouTube live streaming
- Several people have asked about this recently. It's something we could do, but we haven't before so we need to test it out and document how to do it. If you're interested in helping with setting this up, let me know.
- Lessons learned in the past month
- What have you seen that has worked well or that could be improved? Are there things you think we should be trying, such as break-out rooms?
- Other topics?
- Feel free to add other topics to the agenda
, multiple selections available,