Basic Info
Time: 18:00ย Every Friday PST (UTC-7)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar: https://zoom.us/meeting/tJwkc-2oqDgsE9RLmd0AwOltrBhSKjG3jEnp/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCgpz8uGtKWthCHRow-HY-gLPTwpnZdj_pvsBLhUwFETQ_iJMBKAZl1N4vaMeeting links:
Project Wiki Pageย https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/cello/
In Process issuesย https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/projects/1#column-6892634
User dashboard API:ย
API-engine API docs:ย Cello API-Engine API
Agent API:ย
Add wikipage:ย https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/wiki/Debug-cello-by-container
Start service workflow is up to date:ย https://github.com/hyperledger/cello#quick-start
Please input your name before the meetingย
@Baohua Yang: yangbaohua@gmail.com
@Xichen Pan: xichen.pan@gmail.com
@feng yang :ย fengyang.09186@h3c.com
@panhaowen789: panhaowen789@gmail.com
@Xiao Ran : xiaor2@illinois.edu
@Yun Gu :nerokucn@gmail.com
@Haibo Yang : haiboyang@uscb.edu
@haoyu li : haoyuli1697@gmail.com
PR this week
Release plan 1.1.0 Q4 of 2024
Channel features are done
Next Release
chaincode (wait till channel can add org):ย @feng yangย will draft a design spec first
UI behavior design of chaincode lifecycle: @Xichen Pan @feng yangย
Chaincode frontend design: Chaincode Frontend Design: Approved.
@Xichen Pan lead the backend API discussion.
Backend API Design: Chaincode v2 API Spec
FE Implementation: Code is done. Issue: connectย toย BE.
@feng yang @Xichen Pan will lead.
@Xichen Pan has done the dashboard page, split based on operations to let interns join the work. https://github.com/umijs/umi
package, install, approve, commit, invoke/query
@feng yang : https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/issues/602, need to add the design spec in sep. On leave today.
@Yuanmao Zhu : working on https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/pull/629/files. On leave today.
@Xichen Pan :
Working with @Xiao Ran for the install issue: https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/issues/621. Test to run commands with peer cli.
Wait till the migration to HLF v2.5 LTS is done.
Intern plan: Project Plan - Decentralized Blockchain Network Operation Dashboard
@Haibo Yang:ย
Proposed to let users upload code base to do package.
Anchor peer is a type of updating channel config. @Haibo Yang is working on this PR.
@haoyu li 2nd year master of UIUC, still reading the docs.
Haoyu will learn HLF's operation lifecycle: https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/create_channel/create_channel_participation.html#prerequisites.
cello/tests/postman/Makefile at main ยท hyperledger-cello/cello
Verify the docs too: GitHub - hyperledger-cello/cello: Operating System for Enterprise Blockchain
@feng yangย suggests:
When downloading channel config, remove the hint of downloading succeed
When creating channel, no need to edit orderer nodes
When updating the channel (add an org), why need to input the msp_id? Need to update the steps into docs.