Basic Info
- Meeting links:
- Project Wiki Page https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/cello/
- In Process issues https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/projects/1#column-6892634
Please input your name before the meeting
- Baohua Yang: yangbaohua@gmail.com
- Tong Li (Deactivated): litong01@us.ibm.com
- hightall: hightallyht@gmail.com
- @Luke Chan: jiahaochen1993@gmail.com
- @DuPeng: dupeng@h3c.com
- Dixing Xu: dixingxu@gmail.com
- xie ruitao: rtxie@h3c.com
- qiang xu : xq-310@163.com
- qiang xu Dixing Xustarts the API Engine implementation
- demo repo: https://github.com/XuHugo/api-engine;
- Reference to: https://github.com/yeasy/docker-compose-files/tree/master/hyperledger_fabric/;
A new pr for review: https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/pull/198;- Dixing Xu will finish the update node config API in
- Dixing Xu internship
- Get familiar with Django: have learned the tutorials, good to start the development.
- Demo the docker-based agent;
- Revise the agent according to haitao's suggestions;
- Evaluate the API-engine code and decide how to leverage it: reuse or create a new framework with hightall
- Dixing Xu intern plans to end at Dec.
- Dixing will work with Xuqiang on the API Engine implementation.
- Backlogs:
- Guangfa team on the integration APIs, which can be a new agent;
- Priyanka Vats will demo the blockchain deployment automation framework, which can be a potential k8s agent.
- qiang xu Dixing Xustarts the API Engine implementation
, multiple selections available,