Basic Info
- Meeting links:
- Ongoing Jira task https://jira.hyperledger.org/projects/CE/issues/CE-188?filter=allopenissues
- Project Wiki Page https://wiki.hyperledger.org/projects/cello
- In Process issues https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/projects/1#column-6892634
Please input your name before the meeting
- @Baohua Yang
- @tong li
- @Luke Chan
- @DuPeng
- Dixing Xu
- xie ruitao
- Nancy Min
- xie ruitao pushing the code and docs of H3C branch.
- Baohua Yang created the branch https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/tree/release-0.9.0-h3c
- xie ruitao :
- Fix logo figure to Cello's;
- Fix internal networking config to external;
- Fix the license issue, and then can submit the code;
- Improve basic docs;
- Sign-off issue will be fixed following [fix-sign-off](https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/pull/127/checks?check_run_id=593944666), xie ruitao ;
- feng yang : Contribution guideline: https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/wiki/Contribution-Process;
- feng yang will share the experience of developing the dashboard at next week?
- [API design spec]() to review/update.
- Could you please take a look at this bug? CI is broken after a merge.
- Baohua Yang will look at it.
- Tong Li (Deactivated) find it will fail with 1GB memory OS. Suggest ask Ry Jones for the build env settings.