2021-11-29 Meeting notes
2021-11-29 Meeting notes
- Peter Somogyvari
- 竹内琢磨
- Elena Izaguirre Equiza
- Michael Courtin
- izuru
- Yasushi Takahashi
- ad-hoc discussion topics
- Takuma: Discussion about the development item of issue #1606, #1611
- https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/issues/1606: [EPIC] add socket.io channel between cmd-api-server and each ledger-connector #1606
- https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/issues/1611: [EPIC] refactor(ledger-connector): add startMonitor features #1611
- These issues are not tagged but actually related to #1602 and #1605.
- Today is only introduction and discussion. These will be estimated in next sprint meeting.
- Takuma: Discussion about the development item of issue #1606, #1611
- sprint meeting
- #1162: feat(connector-xdai): remove hard dependency on keychain · Issue #1162 · hyperledger/cactus (github.com)
- assignee: Elena
- estimate: 5 days
- #1579: docs(examples): add authN/authZ for supply chain app example · Issue #1579 · hyperledger/cactus (github.com)
- assignee: Elena
- estimate: 8 days
- #1162: feat(connector-xdai): remove hard dependency on keychain · Issue #1162 · hyperledger/cactus (github.com)
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