2021-08-23 Meeting Notes






  • Refactoring the directory structure
    • PR#1268: refactor(cmd-server-socket,validator): [draft] refactor the directory structure of cmd-server-socket and validators

    • Takuma: We propose new directry structure. We are now trying to refactoring. We plan to ask you to review the PR.
    • Peter: Ok, Is this corresponding PR#719? We may need to change both of #719 and #1268.
    • Shingo: To be honest, I don't know the sideeffect of rebase.
    • Peter: I will confirm #1268 and send a comment by email.
  • Change the config file
    • Takuma: I have not submitted the issue yet, but I plan to fix the config files.
    • Shingo: We will modify ones related to some network servers.
    • Takuma: This is corresponding Issue#1039. We will change the json configfile to yaml. I think it is appropriate to place the yaml file under the top directory.
    • Peter: I will comment later.
  • Others
    • Peter: Welcome, Biswa
    • Biswa: Thank you. I'm interested in the blockchain business in India.
    • Peter: We have regular meetings and pair programing, so please join us if you like.