2021-01-12 Meeting notes
2021-01-12 Meeting notes
Discussion items
(1) Quarter Activity report
Current draft: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TSC/2021+Q1+Hyperledger+Cactus
Maintainer diversity:
Clive suggested that Cactus has more diversity than the draft discribes
The following graph shows that Cactus has a lot of diversity of contributors
Integration plan of some level - Verifier level or Validator level - in order to show Cactus to outsides
(2) Ad-hoc topics
Code language
LedgerPlugin is developed in Cactus on the current codes, but in the future it will adapts other languages
Takuma plans to develop verifier parts and Peter plans to develop abstract layer
(3) PRs
PR435,464,466: approved and merged
PR448: approved but some GitHub technical issue happens on the merging
, multiple selections available,