2020-06-15 Meeting notes



Discussion items


  1. @DOBEN PDF Feedback on Whitepaper
    1. Discussed alignment in principle.  Requested to open an issue to track overall improvement need and submit individual pull requests for detailed feedback.
  2. Phase Out Support for Node 10x https://github.com/hyperledger/cactus/issues/150
    1. Approved to proceed, no functional impact
  3. All outstanding pull request reviews - sorted by date and time of opening, starting with the oldest outstanding ones.
    1. 161 – request to contributor to trace commit and timestamp from baseline
    2. 162 - approved, discussed use of Test Anything Protocol https://testanything.org/ & to include definition of it in Contributors
    3. 168 - approved
    4. 172 - approved, with work to add in separate examples in another PR
    5. 173 - approved
    6. 174 - approved
    7. 175 - approved, templating would need to be in another PR
    8. 179 - Peter will investigate where additional comments went
    9. 184 - approved, at a later point we will refactor from Javascript to Typescript & test automation

  • Maintainers to approve approved PRs (smile)