Yi Yuan, Sam


Yi Yuan(Sam) is IBMer, who's dream was become a developer and made it happened.

As a beginner of Fabric and fresh man to blockchain, I am now active member of TWGC and taking part in GM and performance work group with contribution into TWGC Github Organization.

Mainly for how to use and performance on fabric, as I am maintainer of stupid project.

Why elect me?

In my point of view,  Works/Outputs for GM and performance work group should be useful, visualize.

To be specific,

For GM project, at least a useful GM Fabric should be GM based Fabric network with SDK as coding application.

Aiming at SDK and fabric ready at same time, I am influence to decouple GM basement and other changes as SDK. 

For performance project, the useful means general solution for use cases, and visualize way to comparing project output.

Aiming at that, I am influence on ...

Well, at least we need a tool to confirm our performance enhancement works right?

And also design and review coding of the changes.

With useful and visualized outputs, Fabric user, at least Fabric user in China, able to know and use outputs from GM and Performance work group. 

Well, developer don't have the influence as any advertisement, but tech project's output should be useful and visualized enough as it becomes advertisement between teach area.

I hope we can make above.

// I am fixing enough to adjust targets and goals, so ... FYI