2022-02-25 Meeting Minutes
2022-02-25 Meeting Minutes
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
Welcome and Introductions
Who you are, which project you represent, your role in the project and what your interest is in the Hyperledger security process effort.
@Deepika Karanji
- Welcome
Scoring guidelines for blockchain projects in Hyperledger Foundation.
- Security threat modelling for blockchain technology.
- Broader areas to focus
- Infrastructure security.
- Signing artefacts / binary distribution.
- Review comments/discussions on https://github.com/ossf/security-reviews
- Review scorecard from OpenSSF https://github.com/ossf/scorecard.
Review checklist for reporting vulnerabilities. Covers both the project team and an external member.
- Open agenda
Next Meeting
Future Topics
- Processes are secure ~ development, distribution.
- Process to report security issues at Hyperledger.
- Threat modelling
- Define boundaries ~ infrastructure, networking, development.
- How do we measure robustness
- Suggestions such as attesting the build process.
- Project's security review information, where to find them.
- Define what how are security claims made in a project. State the assumptions made to claim the statement. Projects to have formal proof to the claims.
- Articulate Human consumable definitions for the claims.
- Reference https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/765.pdf to learn how is it done for Bitcoin network.
- Breaking the task force into multiple work streams.
- Projects handling the security reports ~ should TSC consider it as a metric to measure, define process to follow up on that.
- Infrastructure related security measures may be influenced by LF policies.
- Community hinted towards moving these to the LF charter.
Action items
- Checklist for members to follow while reporting vulnerabilities.
- Questionnaire to report vulnerability ~ calculate CVE score. Danno Ferrin
- Define scoring guidelines for blockchain & non-blockchain projects in Hyperledger Foundation. Hart Montgomery
- Propose to break the task force activities into multiple work streams. Hart Montgomery Mic Bowman