2022-02-11 Meeting Minutes
2022-02-11 Meeting Minutes
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
Welcome and Introductions
Who you are, which project you represent, your role in the project and what your interest is in the Hyperledger security process effort.
- Welcome
Scoring guidelines for blockchain projects in Hyperledger Foundation.
- Review comments/discussions on https://github.com/ossf/security-reviews
Review checklist for reporting vulnerabilities. Covers both the project team and an external member.
- Open agenda
Next Meeting
Future Topics
- Waiting for the proposal on scoring guidelines ~ today's meeting agenda will be carried over to 25th Feb.
- Question for discussion: signing artefacts policy and reproducible builds.
- Policy for dependent license checks.
- External agency - Check once a quarter.
- Look into score card - from OpenSSF https://github.com/ossf/scorecard .
Action items
- Checklist for members to follow while reporting vulnerabilities.
- Questionnaire to report vulnerability ~ calculate CVE score. Danno Ferrin
- Define scoring guidelines for blockchain & non-blockchain projects in Hyperledger Foundation. Hart Montgomery