#12 - Weekly News Digest 20240325-0330
#12 - Weekly News Digest 20240325-0330
This weekly news digest is created by community members in the Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance Special Interest Group as a way to keep people up to date on the latest developments in this space. If you have news to share that you would like to let the group know about, please feel free to edit this wiki page or join one of the upcoming group meetings and share your news with other group members.
a. Supply Chain Management:
- US Customs and Border Protection: CBP, FDA partner to improve supply chain traceability
- Wall Street Journal: Sizing Up the Economic Impact of the Baltimore Bridge Collapse - The Port of Baltimore is known for handling coal, sugar and specialized vehicles such as tractors and cranes
- Wall Street Journal Logistics Report: Bridge Collapse Resets U.S. Supply Chains
- Food Logistics: Red Sea Tensions: Why Real-Time Tracking is Mission-Critical for Food & Beverage
- McKinsey: Geopolitics and the geometry of global trade
- Wall Street Journal: A Brazen Yogurt Heist Shows How Cyber Gangs Are Hijacking U.S. Goods (freight fraud)
- Harnessing the Power of AI and Digital Twins in Singapore's Smart Nation Initiative
- World’s 1st-Ever Global Carbon Emissions Tax in the Shipping Sector Inches Closer To Reality
- EU Critical Raw Material
- Which bill of lading should I ask the carrier to issue for my shipment?
- Food Systems Finance for Resilient Futures: A Multilateral Development Bank and National Development Bank Collaboration Roadmap
- Blockchain and consumer behaviour: Results of a Technology Acceptance Model in the ancient wheat sector
- Evolving blockchain technology can transform diverse oil and gas applications, says GlobalData
- Blockchain-based Internet of Things Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions
- Unified digital standards are key to unlocking seamless global trade and enhancing industry-wide efficiency.
- GATF annual report
- The fallout from COVID-19, land grabs, and deforestation in Argentina’s Gran Chaco Forest region
b. Trade Finance:
- Tfhe Australian payments ecosystem
- British International Investment (BII), the UK's Development Finance Institution, has launched a $100 millio
- n finance facility with the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank Group - TDB Group (TDB) to enhance economic resilience in Africa. This initiative supports hashtag#trade hashtag#finance, hashtag#agricultural development, and combats food hashtag#insecurity by enabling hashtag#TDB to assist local hashtag#businesses and financial institutions.
- Making hashtag#MLETR a reality – the DNI Adoption Group
- The ASEAN region stands at a crossroads in the digital finance
- EU's Late Payment Regulation: Exposing the need for better public discourse
- Trade finance might not be sexy, but it’s blockchain’s key to success
- Unlocking Trade Data Flows with Digital Trust Using Interoperable Identity Technology
- The Power of Stablecoins in Transforming Global Trade Finance Transactions
- Tokenization of financial assets refers to the representation of real-world financial assets — such as stocks, bonds, or currencies — using digital token
c. Sustainability & ESG
- McKinsey: Making green logistics services profitable
- Istambul sustainale urban planning
- CO2 Emissions in 2023 Report
- New study from PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and European Central Bank shows increasing global average temperatures, more intense and frequent heat waves and other factors are already driving up the prices of food and other goods
- Gold Standard Project Spotlight - Solar Lighting Project in Zambia
- The Little Book of the of the health of cities
- vAgrifood Exports and Climate Change: A guide for business support organizations | International Trade Centre
- Climate Finance Provided and Mobilised by Developed Countries in 2013-2021
- he United Kingdom released a draft version of its Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (hashtag#CBAM) this week.
- Sustainable Finance The European Central Bank has released a report that examines banks' climate commitments, lending and engagement.
- Funding Beyond Value Chain Mitigation - Step by step guidance for organisations taking responsibility for their emissions
- Navigating Complexity in Food Systems: From Clockwork To Cloudwork
- Decarbonizing Water: A Triple Win for Climate, Health, and Security
- This hashtag#Bikeshare hashtag#Planning hashtag#Guide compiles the hashtag#knowledge, hashtag#experience, and hashtag#bestpractices gleaned from bikeshare experts
- The effectiveness of climate change adaptation decision making largely depends on how well governments and other actors embed deliberate learning into the policy process.
- Financing for Water and Sanitation: Leveraging Result-Based Financing and Volunteer Carbon Markets
- Measuring the Impacts of Business on Well-Being and Sustainability
- hashtag#Foresight is a powerful hashtag#tool for leveraging hashtag#Humanity´s ability to think about and build the hashtag#Future. It provides a way to think about possible, alternative and desired hashtag#futures.
- The latest State of Finance for Nature (SFN) report sheds light on a critical imbalance that could define our planet's future. With an estimated $7 trillion per year flowing towards nature-negative activities, the scale of financial misalignment is stark. Private finance, notably, contributes $5 trillion to this, overshadowing investments in nature-based solutions (NbS) by a staggering 140 times.
- Digital Revolution in hashtag#SustainableBusinessModels and Finance Management
- Principles for Net-Zero Financing & Investment - U.S. Department of the Treasury
- Silent No More: Uniting Trade, Climate, and Finance for Bold, Inclusive Change.
- https://www.gazzetta.it/Calcio/Serie-A/Milan/27-03-2024/camarda-sia-e-zeroli-il-baby-milan-vola-anche-in-azzurro.shtml#:~:text=protagonisti%20sono%20stati-,Diego%20Sia,-(un%20gol%20e
- The global green economy
- World Trade Organization Agriculture Negotiations at MC13: What does the lack of outcomes mean for least developed countries and other vulnerable economies?
- Net Zero Emissions in Saudi Arabia by 2060
- World Fund raises 300m for struggling climate tech startups
- The Global Green Growth Institute (hashtag#GGGI) defines hashtag#greengrowth as a hashtag#development approach that seeks to deliver hashtag#economicgrowth that is both environmentally sustainable and socially hashtag#inclusive.
- The image of the city
- Accelerating Corporate Climate Finance Through Carbon Markets: Overcoming the Challenges
- Forest Investors Debate What to Do With All Their Trees: Timber or Carbon Credits?
- Blended Finance for Climate Investments in India | IFC
- Rise of Digital Money: Implications for Pacific Island Countries | International Monetary Fund
- Optimizing Raceway Pond Construction: Strategies to Manage Contamination Risks in Microalgae Cultivation
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/optimizing-raceway-pond-construction-strategies-risks-chetankumar-p2ytf/?trackingId=QtP4g0maL1O1%2FuIR6vG3bw%3D%3D
- Environmental sustainability in agriculture 2023 | FAO / OECD
- "hashtag#Transit-hashtag#oriented hashtag#development (hashtag#TOD) has two main characteristics:
- How to reward tropical forest conservation: Interview with Tasso Azevedo
- ALIGNING FINANCE FOR THE NET-ZERO ECONOMY: new ideas from leading thinkers
- Mobilising Islamic Banking for Climate Action
- Climate resilient cities Assessing differential vulnerability to climate hazards in urban India
- Her Fintech Edge | International Finance Corporation
- INTEGRATING GREEN AND GRAY Creating Next Generation Infrastructure
- Apr 3-5: NFT-NYC
- Apr 4: Meral Sengoz of T3i Partner Network on Blockchain Experiences for Export Transactions in Turkey
- Apr 16-18: Linux Foundation Open Source Summit North America, Seattle Washington. Includes a "SupplyChainSecurityCon" track.
- Apr 18: Hyperledger Supply Chain & Trade Finance SIG - Farm to Plate
- May 2: Hyperledger Supply Chain & Trade Finance SIG - SIG Member & The Giving Chain CEO Bobbie Muscara will present on how they use NFTs
- May 16 Hyperledger Supply Chain & Trade Finance SIG - Alexander Style of Vinturas
- June 4-5: Freightwaves Future of Supply Chain, Atlanta, GA
, multiple selections available,