Planning and Suggestions

Potential Speakers

NameOrganization/TopicWho contacted them?Date of PresentationStatus
The Giving Chain

Came up in discussion at 1/25/24 meeting


Bobbi Muscara  will present to the SIG on 5/2/2024. 2024 05 02 Bobbi Muscara - The Giving Chain.

Alexander StyleVinturas2024/05/16

Alexander Style has told Ned Thompson, MBA he can speak at our 5/16/24 meeting. We will follow up in March to finalize the topic and title. (1/31/24) | Alex had to postpone his 2023/11/06 presentation to 2024. I will follow up with Ned Thompson in January regarding possible rescheduling.


Thiago Oggioni shared that the Serpro team is discussing internally whether they can speak publicly and what they can share. The company is government-owned and has constraints. - 2/9/24 |Alicia Noel sent follow up to responsive Serpro person on Linked in (2/8/24) | Joselio Teider of the Brazil chapter has offered to inquire with a contact of his at Serpro. (1/29/24) | Sent query to a 2nd person Jan 25. He's currently on holiday so I will follow up in two weeks. |  Alicia Noel sent a note on Dec 3 via LinkedIn and is waiting to hear back. | ebook profilee.

Rishi CFarm to Plate2024/04/18

Scheduled Presentation date: 4/18/24. Alicia will follow up in March re: topic and title. (2/1/24) | Alicia Noel sent follow up to Rishi on January 25, 2024. Saptarshi responded that they plan to launch in late March. We're discussing tentative presentation dates in April. (1/30/24)



Jeff Pribich has sent 2 emails (as of 2/13/24), no response yet.

Ashish Anand

Co-Founder & CEO,
Bru Finance

Bru Finance(Bru.Finance)2024/03/21

Ashish Anand and others from Bru Finance presented their knowledge on trade finance during a presentation to the and Finance SIG a few weeks ago where the focus was directed at finance mechanisms and the Bru.Finance platform.
For our SIG the focus of a presentation is to be on trade finance capabilities within supply chains for partners involved in trade, especially the warehousing of commodities assisting producers in monetizing their products whilst at the same time, monitoring the movement of these goods.

Meral Åžengöz EBL research and projects in Turkey2024/04/04

Ayhan KöseoÄŸlu will speak with a colleague about speaking during a meeting. Alicia Noel I contacted to my colleague , she will respond me soon and I will update you accordingly

Project Ideas

2024 Project Ideas

2024 Topic IdeasDeliverableCommentsMember effort preferences

How exactly blockchain operates for SC-TF

  • Produce a diagram or e-guide

Process definition required especially around involvement of the Fabric technical groups. Opportunity for synergy between SIGs.

What are the business reasons for firms/corporation not adopting blockchain for Supply Chains?

  • "Listening project"?
  • Could include webinars, then turn into a blog post.

Process steps for this effort need further clarity at this time(01/2024).  Through online research and interviews define the stumbling blocks, differential attitudes and incorrect assumptions on value/benefits and what has changed.

Per Ayhan KöseoÄŸlu, 2/8/24, Invite people from big banking/finance companies and hear from them why they aren't adopting blockchain.

Note (from Ayhan , 2/9/24) not only banking/finance companies , we should also consider real buyers/sellers (exporters/importers) 

  • Webinars and/or blog post.

Per Ned Thompson, MBA , 2/8/24, there are banking projects integrating blockchain tech with legacy systems.

Note (from Ayhan , 2/9/24) , that is really great initiative

Electronic Bills of Lading (EBLs)

  • Webinar topic and/or blog post.

per Ned Thompson, MBA, in page comments : I attended a BIMCO webinar a few weeks ago and the talk was all about utilizing blockchain to digitize bills of lading and other trade documents. As we know, BIMCO is part of FIT along with Swift, ICC, FIATA, and DCSA, so it was great to hear that blockchain is considered one of the technologies to revolutionize trade transactions. In our eBook, we focused on some of the companies that are leading the charge in electronic trade documents including Wavebl and Tradewaltz. I think that eBL's will be a use case that helps put blockchain on the map and I think this is a great avenue for Hyperledger Fabric to market its capabilities. Not sure how to do this, but I think this is an opportunity for Hyperledger to differentiate itself and get more exposure. Thoughts?

Note (from Ayhan , 2/9/24) , totally agree with you Ned Thompson, MBA , just one little additional note that UK's MLETR approved regulation refers to ' reliable system ' which is still a question mark and the terms & conditions of being reliable not published

AI in blockchains(SC-TF related)

Blockchain "+" AI

  • Webinar topic and/or blog post.

Discover and document how firms are planning or currently employing AI for blockchain supply chain solutions where the underlying technology is Hyperledger Fabric. 

1) Online investigation on current activity?
2) Tech talks on AI and Supply Chains (risk management)
3) Reach out to firms(shipping and tech).
4) Reach out to our Hyperledger tech group as to Fabric-AI arch. model.

Deliverable: Similar to eBook published in 2024

Per Christos Tsislianis (2/8/24) - we could explore how the two technologies are being used together.

NOTE (Jeff Pribich - 02/06): Willing to begin exploring this project to provide SIG with specific information on deliverable. 

How do NFTs address supply chain inefficiencies?

  • Webinar topic and/or blog post.

Bobbi Muscara will present how The Giving Chain uses NFTs at our May 5, 2024 meeting.

 Webinar topic. Produce a document on current use for this purpose or document(tech).

NFTs eliminate many of the issues supply chains are known for, as they can enhance traceability and reduce the need for constantly checking in to see who has your materials. Ultimately, this would result in lower supply chain costs, and these savings could be passed onto consumers. Still, it’ll probably be a while before this technology is widely adopted in supply chains.


Past Project Ideas

Past Project Ideas

2024 - project/effort idea

Platform differentiation

Perform a competitive analysis between Fabric and current other popular platforms that provide an SC-TF solution.

NOTE(Jeff Pribich - 02/06): Should this entry be removed from this list as this has already been performed.

2024 - project/effort idea

Risk: How can blockchain display and provide guidance on risk as situations change during shipping

Can AI assist? Technical view on how this can be provided and/or how is blockchain transparency enabling risk reduction - who is using this advantage?

NOTE(Jeff Pribich - 02/06): After further review, this effort would be a portion of the proposed project entitled "AI in blockchains(SC-TF related)"

2024 - project/effort idea

Deeper dive study on how blockchain(Fabric) thwarts product fraud and tampering.

Was touched on slightly during our e-Book effort. This idea promotes working on a very detailed level as to how Fabric(target blockchain) enables fraud detection and allows for the creation of a process preventing fraud. Seems as if there is more maturity in this space with everledger for example.

1) What technical aspects of blockchain enable fraud detection? Mid or low level detail as to the inner workings such as hashing, the ledger and physical implants in goods.
2) What firms are now utilizing blockchain(Fabric) for this purpose.
3) Can we produce an architecture and Fabric implementation document as to how this is implemented.  

2024 - project/effort idea

Where / How is crypto utilized in blockchains for SC-TF such as hedging due to price changes?

2024 - project/effort idea

Consumer use of the supply chain - direct purchases from manufacturing firms. 

The idea associated with this project is to produce a document strategizing how consumer use of SC blockchain will allow for direct purchase from manufacturers of goods. How to avoid use of Amazon for example utilizing the same technology.  

2024 - project/effort idea

Produce a document detailing the financial advantages of blockchain technology for SC-TF usage.

Form of the output would detail the blockchain(Fabric) intricacies enabling cost advantages for SC-TF usage.

Examples:  How do smart contracts-chaincode enable partial payments?   Transaction efficiencies. Efficiencies to transaction processing, reduces manual tasks such as aggregating and amending data, and eases reporting and auditing processes. Enables traceability and close tracking to prevent product damage from spoilage, theft and lost goods.

Process definition required especially around involvement of the Fabric technical groups. Opportunity for synergy between SIGs.

SIG Blog

We have the opportunity to share supply chain and trade finance information via a SIG blog. Topics could include speaker presentations, relevant projects that use Hyperledger, industry new that is relevant to the SIG community.

Questions: How often? Who wants to write a post? How long should we expect them to be?

Blogposts should be written by one or more SIG members, and edited (by someone with strong English writing skills) by at least one other person before being shared to the SIG blog.

Mitigating environmental impact of blockchain use

How are organizations that use blockchain as a tool for supply chain and trade finance managing the environmental impact of the technology use? Are companies using private chains that are only powered by renewable energy? What about minimizing environmental and human costs of lithium mining for use in batteries?

FinTech(Trade Finance)

Use of trade finance(FinTech) across supply chains. Investigate how specific industries, especially small to mid-size industries) utilize FinTech to corral financing of supply chain operations. Some examples are:

1) Warehouse Receipt Financing: Utilize assets(commodity) as collateral. 

2) Small and mid-size companies have three core assets that can be used to obtain financing: approved invoices, inventories, and purchase orders.

Minimizing the trade finance gap


Digital credentials

Beyond Track and Trace



  • ISO has recently released some new governance documents - Erik Valiquette
  • ToIP, Trust over IP Foundation - Alfonso Govela
  • Learnings from TradeLens - Perhaps Sophia Brumann?
  • Blockchain consortia (WeTrade, Tradelens)
  • Political complexities of global trade - One thought on a challenge with governance is simply the political complexity of global trade. As an example, Bangladesh exports are growing (particularly to Europe) but governance only has so much relevance here. We got to a stage with the eBL where it became legally accepted from a technical perspective but their reliance on letters of credit for bill of lading processes means we also needed banks involved in all transactions. And suppliers don't use the large international banks we all know. If you consider that each supplier and buyer needs to be using the same foreign technology, how much power do we really have over small, local banks with legacy systems. We dream big but the reality of implementation has been challenging, regardless of governance. Some interesting discussions to be had, though! - Sophia Brumann

Business models

Standards bodies map is doing work in this area.