SI - Use Cases and Best Practices

SI - Use Cases and Best Practices

All members are welcome to propose new topics or projects as it relates to Social Impact: Use Cases and Best Practices here.

The work products may include a paper, blog, survey, list of references, etc.

Interested members are encouraged to reach out to the project proposer, members, or SIG Chair to get more involved.

The status of each work product may be:  New > WIP> Complete > Inactive > Revise (or please suggest another lifecycle).

 Project #Project TitleProject DescriptionStatusProposerInterested Members
1State of Social Impact EcosystemOverview of companies that use Blockchain for Social Impact.New


Members of the SI: Research Use Case and Best Practices Workstream:

Alfonso Govela

Jim Cupples

Adam Lambert

Ric Shreves

Leila Yosef

Lindsay Nuon

Alissa Worley

Nancy Min