SC-SIG project- Use Cases

SC-SIG project- Use Cases

GroupGoal and work productLead contactHow to get involved
Supply Chain Use Cases 

The goal of the project is twofold.

First, to create a repository of existing Use Cases of Hyperledger for supply chain applications. These Use Cases might serve as inspiration for others.

Second, to get a sense of what other projects or ideas are being developed by the community in support of supply chain applications. 

Erik Valiquette

There are 3 (non mutually exclusive) ways to get involved:

1) joining us over the next couple of months to develop a Use Case Survey to collect relevant information

(Meetings are now complete)

2) send us your use case or idea for a use case

How? Via our SIG email distribution list https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/supply-chain-sig 

Erik Valiquette erik@cbsca.ca and Bret Carpenter bret.carpenter@nauticscepter.org

3) share the updates of this small project among your community.

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