2019-05-23 Meeting notes

Hi All,

The following are the minutes from our last Hyperledger Supply Chain SIG meeting, which was the initial meeting for this group. If any additions or issues, please let me know.

I will look to have these minutes out to our group much sooner going forward. Also to note, I will note be on tomorrow’s call and Jay will be handling solo… so go easy on him.

And please feel free to connect with me 1:1 anytime.

  1. Marta provided required Linux policy overview; this must be done at the beginning of every meeting and includes the code of conduct and anti-trust policy which would govern anything created by this group with Linux open source standards in mind
  2. Meeting Presentation by Jay Chugh, Chair
    • Group Introduction
    • Overview on Blockchain’s promise to transform supply chains
    • Overview of SIG structure, basic housekeeping, sharing of pertinent links
    • Introduction of Joshua Satten, Vice-Chair
  3. Overview of initial project proposals – (1) Verification of signatures and goods to ensure identity, (2) Smart contracts and defining rules for digital identifiers, (3) Simplifying EDI with Blockchain
    • Group suggestion: do presentation on GRID (led by Dan Middleton) in next meeting or 2
    • Group request: suggest and propose more projects… but do so based on passion, need, and willingness to lead/support. Ultimately, we need to ensure projects have group support to be seen through.
  4. Question on how dif Hyperledger components could or would be used – e.g. Sawtooth, Fabric, etc. We will look to include different hyperledger components as based on projects suggested and pursued.
  5. Group Suggestions:
    • John Hopkins: "I’m looking to bring Overlay Data Capture Architecture to the supply chain world to help groups of businesses operate based on common schemas.  I’d love to enlist some folks who are more knowledgeable about supply chain to help me with an RFP for Hyperledger GRID.  Any takers?  (Happy to share more detail with whoever is interested)"  https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1-Q3CBSYXlRNEvTu7XQfGo-6W5H_yyOA3
    • Soren: "to what extent do we want to use established frameworks such as APICS SCOR (Supply Chain Operational Reference model) or other?"
    • Stefan: "There is also https://www.bita.studio/ . Any thoughts regarding their work? "
  1. Our next meeting will be this Thursday, June 6 at 9AM PST. (Reminder: we have an active pollin case you’d like to request change to meeting time). The agenda for the the meeting will be: 

o   Overview of Project Grid by Core Team - https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/GRID/Hyperledger+Grid   (Tentative)

o   Member brief self-introductions – ALL

o   Project Proposal Discussion/Finalization. Please review the current project proposals and express your interest to lead or contribute. Or feel free to propose another project. 

o   Please let us know if you have any questions. The zoom link to join the meeting is: https://zoom.us/j/5184947650, other dial in details are on the wiki home page. 

Other – special links:

And please, invite others, especially those from product and consumer companies that would have a real world need to employ Blockchain solutions.

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