2019 11 13 DevRel Agenda
2019 11 13 DevRel Agenda
- Project descriptions revised for website https://docs.google.com/document/d/13EceDrqvyMotyW1UOKqciRizDbFvX2QGc5aN6EdOp2Q/edit
- Rocketchat channel created: https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/marketing
- Marketing Main Wiki page created (public): https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/Marketing/Marketing+Home
- How can we best encourage developers to write up content on interesting new features, how-tos?
- Developer showcase - Any volunteers?
- Examples of content to help. Expectations need to be clear.
- Goodies/swag?
- Contributor program for next year in the works
- Maybe something similar to OpenHub Kudos?
, multiple selections available,