Mentorship Programs

the Giving Chain

Summer PT (Part-Time) Mentee Schedule

Part time program requirements the commitment of 20 hours per week for 24 consecutive weeks and this option is recommended for those who are in school or have other significant commitments for the duration of the program. 

  • June 1: official start date
  • July 9: 1st Quarter Evaluation at the end of week 6
  • August 20: Midterm Quarter Evaluation at the end of week 12 (midterm stipend will be paid to the mentee if the mentee is in good standing with the mentor following the midterm evaluation)
  • October 1: 3rd Quarter Evaluation at the end of week 18
  • November 12: Final Evaluation upon conclusion of the internship at the end of week 24 (final stipend stipend will be paid to the mentee if the mentor determines that the mentee has successfully completed the internship following the final evaluation)

6/23 Set up first deliverable for Mentorship checkpoints June 7

Develop project plan to guide completion of the project by end of week 2
(project objectives, milestones/deliverables, methodology, documentation)

Schedule weekly check-ins to review progress, blockers, upcoming tasks

Clarify communication channels/norms with you, project team, and broader
community: email, chat, calls, wiki, and etc.

Be respectful of collaboration challenges across time zones and
language/cultural differences

Notify Hyperledger staff immediately when you identify “red flags” such as non
responsiveness, little or no progress in spite of mentor’s active coaching and
intervention, etc

June 2, 2021


  1. Create an mailing list for group
  2. Create invitation email for other team members
  3. Create survey for best meetings and time choice (Google Drives

Microsoft Social Impact Webinar  

Candidate Review Starts  5/10/2021


May 17th 2021: 

Interview Process

May 21, 2021

Submitted recommendations 



Blog PostBlog Basics
Welcome PresentationCompleted
Interview8 finalist

LFX Mentorship platform

  • You will be logging into the LFX Mentorship platform to access and review applicants who applied to be a mentor for your project. If you are still not listed as a mentor for your project on LFX Mentorship please review the documentation here and contact me immediately.
  • If a mentee's application status is "withdrawn", please exclude them from your review. It's likely the applicant changed his or her mind and is no longer interested. Additional details on mentee status can be found here.
  • A mentee applicant is allowed to apply up to 3 projects, and you will be able to see the other projects the applicant has applied to on LFX Mentorship.

Recommended Review Process

  • May 10 - May 16: review applicant's profile, resume and cover letter (also known as "tasks") on LFX Mentorship
  • May 13 - May 16: You may assign an additional task, such as a coding challenge, to a subgroup of your applicants using the LFX interface, for further skill evaluation. 
  • May 17 - May 20: conduct online virtual interviews with the top 5 applicants. The interview can not only help you evaluate the applicants' level of preparedness, qualifications, motivation, and communication styles, but also offer the applicants the opportunity to ask questions related to your project. During your interview, you should also discuss the applicants' availability, vacation plans or personal/academic/job commitment, and if they would like to work full-time (~40 hours a week June through August) or part-time (~20 hours a week June through November). Please review the Hyperledger Mentorship Program schedule as a reference.
  • May 21:  finalize and let me know your top 3 candidates ranked from top 1 to 3, including your project name, applicant's full name, and full time or part-time preference for each candidatePlease do NOT accept your mentee on LFX yourself. Accepting a mentee on LFX will trigger HR contracting and payment related paperwork. But we need some internal coordination to ensure there is no overlap and we're not accidentally accepting a mentee by mistake. Instead, I, as the program admin for Hyperledger, will accept the mentees on LFX and that will initiate the job offers to the selected mentees.

Hello Bobbi,
  I'm a solution architect and fascinated by blockchain technology and its role in philanthropy activities. I saw your project last week on Linux Foundation but it seems the application has already closed. I was wondering if i can help in this project anyways

I have over 20 years of IT experience and can do programming in Java, C, C++, python and other languages. I have a lot of customer experience as well. Let me know if I can join this project and help you and myself to be more meaningful in life.


  • Hello Bobbi, I am Prastik an aspirant of the Hyperledger Mentorship program 2021. We had once connected through mail before where you directed me to the relevant pages to deepen my understanding of the "The Giving Chain" project. After a careful study i have some questions, hope you could help me :) 1) I went through the github repo that shows a single node implementation using Sawtooth. If I were to contribute should I start contributing on the same repo or could I implement it using another technology for example Hyperledger fabric, or the Sawtooh implementation just a placeholder? 2) I was thinking of using Fabric instead as the blockchain and invoke the chaincode using a client where I would add other UI features and other authentication functions. Can I start through this approach as well? 3) Also as the end product do I necessarily have to create a D2R mobile application or a web application would also suffice? 4) I could not find a conducive repository where I could contribute before submitting my application, could you help me with this? 5) Lastly, when is the next meeting call as I missed yesterday's?

  • Thanks Bobbi

  • TODAYView Prastik’s profilePrastik Gyawali

    Prastik Gyawali  8:50 AM

Hello Bobbi,

I really enjoyed the meetup last night, thank you for putting it on through your program. Blockchains in space is a unique idea and, according to some of the questions asked last night, more of a divisive issue than I would have thought. I personally believe it is a good idea from the standpoint of redundancy. 

I also took a look at your Giving Project and the rest of the internships / mentee opportunities. I have a few questions regarding your project and all of the projects in general.

Regarding all of the projects: 
1) Is there an age limit. I am a "Blockchain as a second career" guy. I am a little older than the average college student or graduate.
2) Are the internships / mentee positions work alone positions to solve the stated objective or are there a few interns hired for the positions? I would imagine that it would depend on the project but I was just wondering as a general sense.

Regarding the Giving Chain
First of all, I think it is a great idea but I have a few questions:
1) Is any of it built or is it just a proof of concept? 
2) Are you bringing in multiple interns or just one?
3) Is there anyone involved in the product currently with technical knowledge, or is / are the intern(s) going to build it from the ground up?
4) You mention that you want an "An operational blockchain that will revolutionize local charity giving". Are you expecting a polished finished product or a working proof of concept? 
5) what is the duration of the project (It only says part time 20 hours per week)?

A little about me. I run a stake pool node from the Cardano blockchain. I am currently learning the Plutus smart contract language for Cardano (It's basically haskell). I finished up a class on ethereum and solidity and I'm just finishing up a class on hyperledger fabric all from the Emurgo Academy ( 

There are a lot of different blockchain technologies but I understand that your project needs to be completed with a hyperledger stack. Although I am not as familiar with hyperledger as I am with some other technologies, I do see some limitations - or maybe not limitations but better ways to handle what your project calls for then what hyperledger currently offers out of the box. There are always ways to work around issues so I am not saying that hyperledger cannot accomplish what you are looking for, It definitely can. And, as I said, I am not a hyperledger expert but my cursory look into the different hyperledger technologies leaves me wanting some additional functionality that I have not found yet. But, perhaps the specific functionality that I am looking for is there but I have just not found it yet. 

The reason I bring this up is because the blockchain I currently run my node with and am much more familiar with is becoming / or is a hyperledger partner. You would probably know better then me if they are ( and 
My question is, if they are a member of the hyperledger community can we use their technology also? 

On a side note, and keeping with your theme of giving and helping people in need, you may want to take a look at some of the things Cardano is doing... Specifically today they are announcing a deal with Ethiopia to provide identity solutions to 5 million students and 750,000 teachers in order to, " pinpoint the locations and causes of educational under-achievement and allocate educational resources effectively" ( If you get this email before today at 12:30 EST, you might want to watch the Cardano africa special ( 

I will cut this email here, sorry for the length... 

Thanks again for the presentation last night, and I hope your BC Princeton group continues to grow. It seems to be a great place for people who might be intimidated by blockchain technology to enter into the community in a low stress / welcoming environment. 

Have a great day,

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Program Description

The Hyperledger mentorship program is aimed at creating a structured hands-on learning opportunity for new developers who may otherwise lack the opportunity to gain exposure to Hyperledger open source development and entry to the technical community. It also provides a more defined path for Hyperledger to connect with the next generation of student developers to inject more talent into its development community. Each mentee will apply and be matched with a mentor or mentors who are active developers in the Hyperledger community. Each mentee will work remotely from his/her location of choice. Regular evaluation and feedback will be provided. Mentees may have the opportunity to travel to a Hyperledger conference/event to meet their peers and mentors face-to-face and to present their work to the broader community.

Benefits for Student Interns

  • Mentees gain exposure to real-world software development by working closely with active developers in the community.

  • Mentees get introduced to open source development infrastructure, tooling, and culture.

  • Mentees have the hands-on opportunity to do work related to their academic and professional interests and to further the pursuit of those interests.

  • Mentees develop close working relationships with open source professionals and industry business leaders to expand their professional network.

Benefits for Hyperledger Community

  • More source code gets written and used for the benefit of all.
  • The mentorship program helps create a pipeline to a diverse, well-educated pool of developers.

  • The mentorship program helps spread the word about Hyperledger and its related technologies at academic institutions and increase academia’s interest in the teaching and research of the technologies.

  • The mentorship program helps Hyperledger gain valuable insight into new developer onboarding processes and how to lower the barriers to entry for new developers.

  • The mentorship program creates positive press for Hyperledger via testimonials, brand recognition, and peer-to-peer messaging

Mentee Stipend and Travel Funding

Mentees will be eligible to receive a stipend. The total stipend amount will be calculated using a tiered structure based on the country where the mentee resides when participating in the program. The stipend will be paid in installments provided that regular interval evaluations show the intern is making satisfactory progress. The final installment will be paid upon successful project completion.

Mentees who successfully complete the program may be invited and financially sponsored by Hyperledger to attend a technical event and present their work to the broader community (specific event TBD depending on the event schedule but will be during Q3 or Q4 of the program year or Q1 of the following year).

Note: Travel Funding is suspended until further notice due to the COVID pandemic. But mentees will have the opportunity to present their work to the broader community virtually. 

2021 Program Timeline* 

  • January 28: Community members interested in mentoring begin submitting project proposals

  • March 10: Project proposal submission ends 

  • March 11-25: Proposed mentorship project review

  • March 25: Accepted mentorship projects announced

  • March 29 - May 7: Mentee application period (6 weeks)

  • May 10 - May 21: Mentee application review and applicant interview

  • May 24 - May 28: Finalize mentee cohort and selected mentees complete HR contracting paperwork

  • 1st week of June: Mentor/mentee onboarding

  • June 1: All mentees officially begin

    • full-time program: June 1 - August 20
    • part-time program: June 1 - November 12

* The program dates are subject to change without advanced notice.

Summer FT (Full-Time) Mentee Schedule

Full time program requires the commitment of 40 hours per week for 12 consecutive weeks from a mentee and this option is recommended for those who do not have other significant commitment such as school or work from June to August to dedicate full time to working on the internship project. 

  • June 1: official start date
  • June 18: 1st Quarter Evaluation at the end of week 3
  • July 9: Midterm Evaluation at the end of week 6 (midterm stipend will be paid to the mentee if the mentee is in good standing with the mentor following the midterm evaluation)
  • July 30: 3rd Quarter Evaluation at the end of week 9
  • August 20-31: Final Evaluation upon conclusion of the internship at the end of week 12 (final stipend will be paid to the mentee if the mentor determines that the mentee has successfully completed the internship following the final evaluation)

Summer PT (Part-Time) Mentee Schedule

Part time program requirements the commitment of 20 hours per week for 24 consecutive weeks and this option is recommended for those who are in school or have other significant commitments for the duration of the program. 

  • June 1: official start date
  • July 9: 1st Quarter Evaluation at the end of week 6
  • August 20: Midterm Quarter Evaluation at the end of week 12 (midterm stipend will be paid to the mentee if the mentee is in good standing with the mentor following the midterm evaluation)
  • October 1: 3rd Quarter Evaluation at the end of week 18
  • November 12: Final Evaluation upon conclusion of the internship at the end of week 24 (final stipend stipend will be paid to the mentee if the mentor determines that the mentee has successfully completed the internship following the final evaluation)


Please email 

Dear Hyperledger Mentors,

Thank you for answering questions and working with prospective applicants who are interested in applying for your project(s) during the past few weeks. 

Just as a reminder we will be closing the applications on LFX for all Hyperledger mentorships on Sunday, May 9th. Following May 9th you will have 2 weeks to review and select a mentee to work with. Please review the overall program timeline to plan accordingly.

  • You as the mentor will be reviewing the applicants on LFX to make sure that the mentee you choose to work with have the right level of skills and qualifications as well as the interest in contributing to an open source community/project you're looking for. We also encourage you to give all candidates equal consideration, especially those from underrepresented populations in the open source community.
  • I noted that some of you are not yet a mentor on LFX. Please note that you will only be able to access and review the applicant profiles and their submitted application materials when you are associated with your mentorship project on LFX. Please read the documentation on how to become a mentor.
  • Now it's time to do one more push to spread the word and encourage those in your network to apply before we close application in a little over a week. Send the "how to apply" link to anyone who is interested.
  • It's fine to read a prospective mentee's resume and cover letter via email. But they must apply on LFX in order to be included in the pool of candidates to be reviewed by you. This also ensures that when we accept a mentee, this person will be linked to the HR paperwork and mentee stipend payment process. There is no exception to this.
  • In general, you will be selecting one mentee to work with you on your project. I recommend the following review process:

IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE mentee application status. I will send additional application review instructions after we close the applications on May 9th.

In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

The Giving Chain:
LinkedIn Group: ​

Hello Mentor,

I am Prastik Gyawali, an engineering undergraduate and am interested to explore the field of Blockchain and Hyperledger.

I was actually interested in "The Giving Pledge" project of which you are one of the mentors. Though I have understood the basic idea of the project yet I am to make any conducive contribution for the same. Thus, could you please guide me into delving more on the project? How and where should I start?

Thank you so Much !!
Thank You and Kind Regards !!


Hello, great new that you are interested in the Giving Chain project. The main goal of this project is to build the out the Giving chain interfaces,  R2D application. We will need to decide what are target donors and recipients for the MVP, the platform or platforms to build the system on that best suits our needs.  Once the decisions are made we will need mentees who are interested in learning how to build the supply chain blockchain and create the user interfaces. This Social Impact project could wind up helping a lot of people. I hope this helps.   

Bobbi Muscara

Hyperledger TSC Member
Director of Education, Ledger Academy Bobbi

On 04/20/2021 02:29, Karan Verma wrote:

Hi Bobbi,
I have gone through your project on Hyperledger.
I wanted to know specifically what skills require for acceptance. Please further acknowledge. --

Karan Verma

2.  Global Scouting of DLT / Blockchain Educational Opportunities