BigApps Challenge:

1. What is blockchain?
○ For the purposes of this Challenge, blockchain is any type of digital, distributed
ledger, including both public and private, or permissioned and permissionless
systems. For more information on how to get started with blockchain, check out
our list of educational resources .
2. How do I enter? What constitutes a complete submission?
○ All Applicants must complete the Submission Form at;
completion of the Submission Form will constitute an official entry into the
challenge. All submissions must be completed by July 31st at 11:59PM ET.
3. Am I eligible to compete?
○ BigApps is open to legal residents, ages 13 or older, of the 50 United States (plus
the District of Columbia). All corporations or other organizations participating
must be legally domiciled in the United States or incorporated in the United
States at the time of entry.
4. We are an organization. Can we enter?
○ Yes, organizations that have not raised more than $500,000 in funding in the last
12 months for this particular Proposal may enter and compete for cash and
in-kind prizes as well as post-challenge support and implementation resources. If
this particular proposal is publicly available, it must not have been in the market
for more than 12 months prior to the time of submission to the Challenge.
5. I’m not a coder. Can I still participate?
○ BigApps is open to everyone, including government employees, engineers,
designers, marketers, content creators, and anyone else interested in improving
New York City.
6. Can I enter the same Proposal in multiple Challenge areas?
○ No. Each Proposal shall only be submitted to one challenge.
7. Is there a limit to how many projects I can submit or participate in?
○ You may submit up to 5 entries. An individual may also participate on behalf of
more than one team, corporation, or nonprofit organization.
8. Is there a limit to how many people I can have on my team?
○ There is no limit to how many people can participate on a single team. If a team
of individuals, or an organization is selected as a prize winner, the Administrator
will issue prize money to the primary team member listed on the submission
form. It will be up to the winning team or organization to allocate the prize money,
if they deem it appropriate.
9. Do I retain intellectual property ownership?
○ Yes, all entrants, regardless of winner status, will retain intellectual property
ownership of their submissions. However, as a condition of entering the BigApps
Challenge, City, Sponsor and Administrator will maintain a royalty-free license to:
a) post the Submissions on BigApps.NYC; b) make the Proposals available for
the course of the Challenge and 12 months after the conclusion of the Challenge;
and c) use the Proposals for noncommercial purposes for a period of 12 months
after the conclusion of the Challenge Submission Period. The BigApps Sponsors
and Administrator will have the right to display and promote your submission to
the public on the NYC BigApps website and partner sites. They will also be
allowed to publicize your name in connection with the submission and the NYC
BigApps Challenge.
10. How else can I get involved with the Challenge?
○ There are many ways to get involved with BigApps besides submitting a
Proposal. You can sponsor the Challenge or Demo Day; contribute data & other
resources; serve as a mentor or volunteer; and help promote BigApps. Please
contact us at for more information.
11. I have more questions. How do I contact you?
○ Please email your questions to