What's Expected of you

What's Expected of you

Communicate: Keeping the line of communication open between you and your mento(s) will build trust, respect, and a positive relationship that facilitates the successful completion of the project.

  • Schedule weekly check-ins to review progress, blockers, upcoming tasks
  • Clarify communication channels/norms with you mentor(s), project team, and broader community: email, chat, calls, wiki, and etc.
  • Be aware of communication challenges across time zones and language/cultural differences. Be on time for scheduled meetings and be respectful of your mentor’s time (remember your mentors are volunteers)
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions, be upfront about gaps in skill and knowledge
  • Inform your mentor(s) of vacation or breaks in advance and plans to make up for lost days

Connect: Gaining a broader understanding of the community, industry, and potential career paths can help generate new ideas and make your a more effective and long-term contributing member of the community.

  • Take the initiative to network with other professionals beyond your immediate team that you come in contact with either remotely or F2F at hackfest, meetup, bootcamp, or conferences and etc.
  • Proactively connect with the current cohort of peer mentees
  • Explore projects under the Hyperledger umbrella and how the community is organized, e.g. Working Groups and Special Interest Groups, and how you may be able to participate or contribute
  • Attend/organize a Hyperledger meetup in your local community or on your campus

Document: Documenting your progress, agreed-on project plan, weekly goals/tasks, milestones, changes/modifications helps keep yourself on track and others you work with on the same page.

  • Develop a project plan at the start of the program and refine/revist/document changes as things progress
  • Maintain a log to track your progress and consider using the log as the basis of discussions during your weekly check-ins with mentor(s)
  • Work on project documentations as part of deliverables so that code can be used by others and to continue the development momentum

Mentee Guide on LFX Mentorship docs site offers additional resources. Please check it out.

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